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Right. I push those thoughts to the back of my head, my fingers lingering on the handle to the wooden door. A part of me hopes Autumn Spice will be waiting for me inside, but another part of me hopes itisn’thim. The fact that I’ve thought about him more than once is a clear sign to stay away.

I open the door, ensuring I soften my features into the lust-hazy mask of my dancing persona, and give my hips an extra swish as I walk into the slightly darkened room. Golden lights flicker from sconces hanging on the walls, cushioned benches lining the small, windowless room beneath them.

And the sight of the male sitting in the middle of the bench stops me in my tracks.

He’s wide and muscular and I swear he takes up almost all the space in the entire room. Bright, silver hair hangs atop his shoulders, half of it tied back to show off his strong jaw. His eyes are gold with flecks of pure amber glowing like embers in a fire, practically glowing against his pale skin.

Goddess, he’s that rough kind of gorgeous. He isn’t the standard idea of beauty across the continent, but beautiful in a broken sort of way that has all my senses firing up. His thighs are massive and spread, his black leathers barely containing him as he looks up at me.

It takes me a full minute to remember he paid for a dance, and I’m just standing here practically drooling over him. Damn, maybe Idoneed to have sex. It’s been so long since my last bedmate, that must be the reason I’m stumbling over two different males tonight.

“Just arrived?” I ask, rolling my hips to the light music that filters in through the walls. Aruk keeps several sorcerers well paid, ensuring he has the best features of any pleasure tavern within fifty miles of Riverthorne.

“How can you tell?” he asks, tilting his head like a predator sizing up prey.

A zing of pure desire shoots through me at the move, something about the way his golden eyes consume me with just a look.

I shake it off, rolling my hips as I run my hands over my body, keeping my focus on him as I lightly drag my fingers over the corset barely holding back my breasts.

“I’ve never seen you here before,” I explain, victory fluttering through me as his eyes track my hands. The corset I wear is silky to the touch and does wonders for my curves, but the boning is a bitch.

“And you make a point to know everyone in Riverthorne?” he asks, his voice deep and rough, almost angry.

I arch a brow at him, stepping closer and bending at the waist to place my hands on his massive thighs. The move offers him the perfect view of my cleavage, but his eyes don’t so much as flicker downward. They remain on mine, even as I arch my spine and move my body to the melody.

“Passing through, then?” I ask, spinning so my back is to him as I grind my ass between his thighs. He grunts, and a flash of something bittersweet unfurls on the back of my tongue. I eye him over my shoulder, using his thighs to hold myself up while I rock against him to the beat of the music.

A muscle in his jaw clenches, his fingers gripping the back of the bench where his arms are stretched out, almost like he’s having a hard time keeping his hands there. Pair that with the taste of his desire, and it seems like this mystery male isangrythat he wants me. Which is ridiculous, since he’s the one who paid for the dance.

“How can you tell?” he asks, grinding out the question.

I arch, walking my hands down his legs, my ass in the air while I tap his boots, which are covered in the white ash the streets of Spiderdowns are known for. I snap up and spin around, showing him the chalky substance on my fingers.

“Spiderdowns,” I say. “Can’t say that’s my go-to for leisure spots. So, was it work that took you there?”

“Impressive,” he says as he looks up at me.

I shrug, wrapping my arms around his neck while I straddle his hips, rolling my body to the buttery notes of the music. He groans, his biceps flexing underneath his loose cotton shirt.

I bite back a laugh. “It’s okay to relax,” I say, rocking against him. “I won’t bite you,” I tease. “Unless you ask me to.” Not that he knows what I am, but it’s all fun and games in here anyway.

“You’d choke on me,” he says so matter-of-factly I don’t know whether I should laugh or pity him. He’s so uptight. Not the usual type for pleasure taverns.

“Would I?” I ask, my core tightening as I rock against something very large and very, very hard.

Surprise barrels through me at the pulsing ache between my thighs as I roll my hips over him. I’m never this affected by my customers, but something about him has my heart racing and my fangs throbbing, itching to taste what he can offer. I drag my hand down his muscled chest, sliding it between us as I trace the outline of his cock with my fingers.

“Oh,” I say, smirking as I draw back my hand. “I most certainlywouldchoke on you.”

His golden eyes flare and his lips part, but he doesn’t say a word, like he’s holding back on purpose.


I wrap my arms around his neck again, my fingers tracing the edges of a gold chain necklace that’s half-hidden beneath his shirt.

He turns, his face lightly brushing mine since we’re so close together, and I shiver at the sensation.Goddess, I’m aching. My entire being begs me to sink my fangs into his neck while he sinks his cock into me.

It’s official, I waited too long between conquests.

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