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“Shit, you don’t know, do you?”

“Know what? You sound like a drama queen.”

“About your dad, East. He got arrested.”

I blinked, not sure I’d heard him right. “Say that again?”

“They arrested your dad Friday night. Your mom’s been trying to get a hold of you?—”

“Arrested him for what? What are you talking about?”

“So much shit. Fraud, tax evasion, falsifying records. It’s all over the news, like front-page shit. They seized all his assets and set his bail so high he’s still behind bars.”

All the blood drained out of my body. I didn’t think I was even still breathing as the phone fell from my hand and hit the floor.

“East, what’s wrong?” Zac put his hand on my arm as King picked up my phone and hit speaker. West was still talking, but all I heard was “reporters fucking everywhere.” I couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think, as Zac asked, “Where?”

“At the Towers,” West said, not catching that it wasn’t me responding. “So you can’t come back here. Tell me where you are and I’ll come get?—”

King ended the call and turned the phone off before he pulled out his own and began to type.

“Why’d you do that?” I demanded as he tucked my phone into the inner pocket of his jacket.

“It’s best you stay off your phone for the moment.”

“Best for fucking who?” I lunged for him. “Give it back.”

King caught my wrist in a firm hold and leveled me with one of those no-nonsense stares.“No. You don’t know who might’ve hacked your phone. Who might be listening in to any calls you make. You’ve been off the grid until this very minute. You turn that phone on right now and you’re opening the door to anyonewith slightly better than average tech skills. Not to mention the authorities. Think.”

That was pretty hard to do when my world had just exploded right before my very eyes.

“What’s going on?” Zac said.

“You need to trust me.”King’s focus and grip didn’t let up.

“Did you know?”What, exactly, I had no clue. But for some reason I felt he knew more than he was letting on.

A suspicion that was soon confirmed when he let go of me and lowered his eyes back to his phone.

“I asked you a question,” I said. “Did youknow?”

King took in a deep breath, and like a mask had been slipped back on, the relaxed man I’d spent the last week with vanished and I found myself staring at the leader he’d revealed himself to be.

“I’d heard rumblings. We all have for years now.”

“Rumblings about what?”

“Your father and his…business practices.”

I shook my head, trying to make sense of what he was telling me, but nothing seemed to fit. He’d heardthings? What kinds of things? And if this had been going on for years, how was my father still conducting business in one of the most influential cities in the world?

“This is bullshit.” My molars threatened to crack with how hard I was grinding them. “My father… He’s a shark, yeah, but you have to be in New York. Especially in the business he’s in.”

“That’s all true, but?—”

“I don’t believe you. Believe any of this.” My hands shook as I ran them through my hair, and a comforting hand on my shoulder made me flinch.

“Sorry,” Zac said, his voice quiet, almost pitying, and I spun around to aim and fire, until the second our eyes met.

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