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“You two have another choice to make right now,” King said. “You can stay in this car and it’ll take you home. Or you can choose to spend the week with me.”

Zac’s lips parted. “A week?”

“Yes, that’s my offer. Nothing more, nothing less.”

I didn’t even have to think about it. A no strings attached week with King and Zac? He couldn’t have given me a better offer. “Hell yeah. I’m in.”

“Me too.” Excitement flared in Zac’s eyes as he scooted to the edge of his seat and peered out the window again.

Jorge opened the door for us, and as Zac led the way out, I said, “Hold on, did you blow your savings to rent this? Because we were already impressed by your cock.”

King pushed up his sleeves and looked down at me. “Remember what I said about being a brat.”

“They get spanked?”

“Don’t push it.”

Zac stood at the trunk, reaching for his bag, but Jorge said a few words to him and he backed away.

“They load them for you,” I said.

“I can carry my own bag a few feet.”

“Why when you don’t have to?”

Before he could hurl back a response about how entitled I was, I leaned in and surprised him by stealing a quick kiss.

“Just enjoy it. All your dreams are about to come true.”

Zac blew out a breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “And where exactly will that be happening?”

King paused at the steps that led into the plane and gave us both a wink. “Come with me and you’ll find out.”



IF THIS DECISION ended up being a disaster, I’d blame it all on Archer. I had no business listening to my friend who’d gone and exploded his life a year ago, but here I was, in my private plane, about to land in my private sanctuary, and entertaining not one, but two brazen young men half my age.

It was lunacy, sheer insanity, yet somehow I couldn’t find it in myself to give a damn.

Seeing Archer happier than ever had triggered something buried deep, something I hadn’t thought about in years. What was the point of being one of the most powerful men in Manhattan if I didn’t use it to my personal advantage? I had everything I’d ever desired and more, and it wouldn’t kill me to have a little X-rated fun with these two.

Besides, they had no idea the bear they’d just poked. They assumed this was some hot rendezvous with their professor, that I was no one of importance in the grand scheme of things, but they couldn’t be more wrong. I’d given them a glimpse the other night with the invitation that there was more going on than they ever realized, but even with East hiring investigators and hackers, neither of them had any idea who I really was outside of Astor. I’d gone to great lengths to keep my private life under lockand key, and here I was, opening up my world to a couple of sexy exhibitionists.

Maybe I was getting soft in my middle age.

My mouth curved behind my fist as I remembered East telling me in the limo that I should be called a hardass daily. He was right about that, even if he didn’t know how far that role extended.

Our flight attendant returned, handing each of us a fresh drink. “The pilot said we’ll be landing shortly, Mr. Kingston.”

“Thank you.”

As she disappeared again and the jet began to descend, Zac peered out the window into the night, the full moon casting its light on the vast stretch of water below. A crease formed between his brows.

“You look worried,” East said, looking entirely at home in the luxury cabin with a martini glass dangling between his fingers. “Please don’t tell me you’re one of those people who claps when the plane lands.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

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