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“Oh my God,” Zac muttered, his eyes dropping to the floor, and while I could understand his embarrassment, this new piece of information was intriguing.

“Zac?” I asked.

He shook his head, continuing to mutter, and I was almost positive he was promising to kill East. I understood the urge. I’d often wanted to strangle the little shit myself.

“Zac? Look at me.” He finally raised his head. “Is what he said true?”

Zac’s wide-eyed stare told me it was, but for some unknown reason, I wanted to hear it from my studious TA’s mouth.

A mouth that up until now, I’d never allowed myself to notice.Much.

“It’s…” Zac looked at East. “I hate you.”

“Not news. That’s how we ended up in this predicament.”

That was an interesting comment, but I was too focused on the man in front of me to deviate from my course. I wanted an answer to my question. For some reason, Ineededit.

“Zac? I asked you a question.”

“I know.” Zac’s eyes came back to mine, and the intelligence I so admired in him flickered in their depths. “But I didn’t promise an answer.”

I gave a curt nod and propped my ankle up on my knee, drumming my fingers along my thigh. “That’s true, but if you can’t be honest, you might as well leave now.”

East snorted. “Is that another one of yourrules? It’s amazing how they seem to all work to your advantage.”

“It works to everyone’s advantage. If you ask me something, I will always answer honestly, unless?—”

“You don’t want to answer at all?”

“Can’tis a more apt term, but yes.”

“Okay, well, how about this, then,” East said, slyly smiling. “You ever thought about fucking Zac?”

If East thought he could shock me, he was in for bitter disappointment. I slowly turned my head in Zac’s direction.“Not until tonight.”

“Told you,” East sang as I continued to stare Zac down, waiting for him to speak. “Didn’t I say I just needed to get you in front of him?”

Again, Zac said nothing. But he didn’t need to. East was all too happy to spill their naughty little secrets.

“So what was your master plan?” I asked him. “Get Zac in front of me, tell me to fuck him, and you would just, what…watch?”

“Originally, yes. But it’s hardly fair Zac gets all the payoff whenI’mthe one that did all the work. After all, I was the one who found you.”

East’s bold, assessing once-over was more confident than most of the men I’d been with. Something that was as stimulating as it was irritating.

“Actually, I believe I’m the one who contacted the two of you,” I said.

“So is that a yes to the sex, then?”

I didn’t respond, choosing instead to return my attention to the silent one in the room. “Is that want you want, Zac? Sex. With me?”

Zac’s lips parted, shiny, wet, and now begging for attention, and I didn’t need to look below his waist to know his earlier erection would still be prominent. At first I’d been curious what had set him off, but now it all made sense.

The only question that remained was, would he admit it?


He answered without hesitation, and that one word from his obedient mouth had me rethinking this entire night.

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