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“That’s right. I wanted to check in with you and see how your morning was.”

East shrugged. “I would’ve said good until I ran into my felon father in the hallway, but hey, wouldn’t be a Wednesday without a little drama.”

“Is there any day youdon’thave drama?”

“What can I say?” He brushed an imaginary piece of lint from his lapel. “Iamthe drama.”

I chuckled despite myself, knowing that somewhere along the wayI’dbecome tangled up in his drama—but also knowing I wouldn’t change it for a second, no matter what the rational part of my brain was telling me. I was in too deep now. I’d known it the second I’d decided to bring him and Zac back to my place.

“That you might be. But the way you handled your father just now shows that you have the ability to?—”

“Not be a bratty asshole?”

“I was thinking morerise above those who want to bring you down.Those who might want you to do something you don’t want to.”

“I’m more than capable of saying no, professor.”

“I know. But it was more than that. I imagine it had to be difficult to defy your father.”

East opened his mouth to no doubt shoot that down. But then he quickly shut it and nodded. Progress. He wasn’t deflecting anymore.

“It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.” He brushed his hand against his pant leg as though trying to wipe it clean. “I still can’t believe he did what they’re saying. I can’t wrap my head around the idea that my father isn’t the smart, cutthroat real estate tycoon I always thought he was. ThatIalways wanted to be. But instead is this…desperate, pathetic criminal who justtried to blackmail me into taking and hiding some documents for him.”

“Fucking prick. I should’ve strangled him for putting you in that position.” I got to my feet, and East shifted back on the desk, hand up.

“I know—that’s why I didn’t take them.”

“I wouldn’t have cared if you did. I care that he asked you to.”

“I’m not. I think I needed to see with my own two eyes what he was capable of, otherwise I wouldn’t have believed it. But the fact he would be willing to ruinmylife,myfuture to save his own…”

I reached for his chin, raising his face to mine. “Not on my fucking watch.”

“You know, you’re seriously hot when you get all growly and possessive.”

That shouldn’t have made my chest tighten the way it did, but I couldn’t deny that’s what I was being. Let alone the way I wanted to scoop him up into my arms and tell him everything would be all right. “Is that what I’m doing?”

“YouandZac. Both making public declarations for little old me.”

It didn’t surprise me that Zac had laid some kind of claim too with how he’d been acting when he left our office earlier. Whatwassurprising was that East wasn’t breaking out in hives over it.

“Listen, I don’t want you to be worrying about your future, okay? You need to concentrate on graduating.”

“Okay, but then what? It’s not like people will be lining up to hire someone whose father is known for embezzlement and tax evasion. No one is going to want to touch me with a ten-foot pole. I’ll be a fucking pariah.”

“I won’t let that happen. What your father’s done will not define you. Not unless you let it.”

“Fuck that.”

I nodded and retook my seat. “Exactly. There are so many paths open to you right now. I know Zac mentioned his family. You’re surrounded by a smart—if not delinquent—group of friends going places. And if it’s something else you’re interested in, I have several businesses that you could get involved with if you choose to come and work for me.”

East’s eyes welled up as he looked at me, and the slow swallow he took revealed his emotions were just under the surface, threatening to spill over.

I reached a hand out to him, wondering if he would take it. He’d once told me he didn’t cuddle because it was far too intimate. But when he laced his fingers with mine and slid down to straddle my thighs, he proved just how far he’d come.

“You’d want me to work for you?” he said as he wound his arms around my neck.

“I would. I’m invested in your future, James. As a professor and?—”

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