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Not being on the other end of his glares or taunts should’ve filled me with relief, but all I could think about was where he’d disappeared to. What he was doing. Who he was doing it with. Why we’d never been able to get past something that had happened long ago, and how it was I still let him infiltrate my thoughts.

“Oh come on, waste some more of East’s money.” West gestured for the server to refill my glass anyway, finishing off the bottle as he poured the last of it.

“That wasn’t necessary,” I said, setting the drink on the round table in front of us.

“Lighten up, Reeves. No one’s out to get you. Not even if you get a little tipsy.”

JT nudged me with his elbow, giving me a reassuring smile until East dropped into the seat across from us.

He nodded at my full glass. “Refusing my good booze?”

“Not looking to get shitfaced with you.”

“Why not? It always made you fun.” A devilish smile curved his lips. “Oh wait. That was tequila. I can make that happen too.”

He gestured for the server to come back, and I shook my head.“No. Absolutely not.”

“Let me guess. You haven’t had tequila in years, and that’s why you’ve become such a bore.”

“Shut up, East,” JT said.

“What? It’s why he sought you out, after all. Bores have to stick together.”

West flicked his finger over the top of his glass, sending a spray of vodka in East’s direction. “Shut up, East.”

East took a napkin from the server’s tray and dabbed it over his cheek. “I see immaturity is rubbing off from your little Golden Boy.”

“Immaturity?” JT scoffed. “This coming from someone who tattooed penises on other humans?”

East’s eyes turned deadly. “Other humans who fucked with Gavin, in case you forgot. I wasn’t holding the tattoo gun, but trust me, I could’ve done worse.”

I didn’t need confirmation that East had been the one to orchestrate a takedown of Gavin’s ex-boyfriend months ago, since it was exactly the kind of thing that screamed revenge from this group, but considering I’d heard horrible stories about that ex, this might’ve been one instance where it was justified.I’d never admit that to him, though.

I reached for my glass, readying myself for the terrible taste of vodka, and took a long swallow that made me cringe.

“And you.” East turned his attention to me. “You’ve run off my last single partner in crime. How dare you.”

“Like I have control over what Travis does or doesn’t do.”

He exchanged a glance with West, and whatever that look meant, I didn’t want to know. Whatever issues Travis and I had weren’t anyone else’s concern.

“Tell you what.” I set my drink down and stood up. “I’m out. So let your partner in crime know it’s safe to come back now.”

I pushed past East’s knees blocking my path as JT called out after me not to go, but I’d had enough. It had been stupid to even come here. Especially after what happened last night.

As I headed for the exit, I saw a sign for the restrooms and decided to make a stop, since there was no telling how long the commute back uptown would be.

“Is this the line?” I asked several guys standing in the hallway, and when they nodded, I joined the tail end.

Somewhere, Travis’s phone was probably going off, telling him the coast was clear and I’d peaced out. Then he’d be able to party it up or do whatever it was he did now when I wasn’t around. The thought was almost scary, considering what he did when Iwasaround.

My thoughts drifted back to last night, the nonstop PDA show with Kirby, the way my traitorous body had reacted to seeing it, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d said yes to tonight’s invite just to prove to myself that what had happened was an unwanted response to his overt sexual behavior.

But one look at Travis tonight and I realized what a mistake I’d made. He was on the hunt, that was clear by the way he was dressed, and the last thing I wanted was to watch him catch someone in front of me…again.

I looked up the line to see if I’d made any progress. It seemed to have barely moved, and I figured somethingelsehad to be going on inside the restrooms. Guys’ lines never took this long.

Resigning myself to being there for a few more minutes, I scanned the club while I waited, watching the crowd on the main dance floor bump and grind.

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