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Neither did I. One minute I was telling myself to avoid any trips down memory lane, then I looked at him and found myself right back where we started.


I opened my phone and saw several texts from the guys about their first classes, and then spotted a couple from the hot body I’d been dancing with at the party the other night.

There, that was what I needed to distract me. The possibility of a hookup. After the party I’d received several…enticingpictures from Kirby, and I knew he would’ve gone home with me that night if I’d invited him.

But after my impromptu cheers and the following argument with the infuriating man beside me, the best I’d been able to promise my dance partner was a call at a later date.


Will be at Church later tonight. Think I might need to ask for some forgiveness. Do you feel like meeting me for confession?

I chuckled. Kirby wasn’t heading to an actual church but an exclusive club where the last thing done in the confessional booths was asking for forgiveness.

“Latest conquest?” Caleb’s eyes were on my screen.

“Why? Jealous?”

“No. Just wondering why he’s texting, since you’re more the one-and-done type.”

For someone who loathed me as much as Caleb did, he sure seemed interested in where I put my dick. “BecauseI haven’t done him yet, and he’s definitely my type.”

“But then bye-bye?”

I searched for the underlying sarcasm that was usually behind Caleb’s words. But it wasn’t there this time—he seemed genuinely curious. Why?

“What’s it to you?”

“Nothing. I just wonder how you keep them all straight in your head.”

I pulled up the photo Kirby had sent me that night and held it out to Caleb.“Trust me, there’s nothing straight about him, and like you pointed out, I don’t want to keep him, just fuck him.”

“Why do you?—”

“One final piece of information before we get started here today.” Professor Livingston’s voice cut off whatever verbal slap-back Caleb had been about to deliver. “I hope you like your seats, because that’s where you’ll be sitting all semester.”

Friends that had taken spots beside one another rejoiced, and I turned to see Caleb’s jaw practically in his lap.

One lecture had been bad enough, but now we were stuck sitting beside each other for the nextsixteenweeks?

Great. This was just fucking great.



THIS WAS NOT going to work.

I’d known that the moment I got to class on Monday and found my fate tied to Travis’s by way of my seating this semester. But five days later and I wanted to strangle that fuckhead.

Travis had always been good at zeroing in on someone’s sore spot and twisting the knife. I’d just never expected that I’d be on the receiving end. I’d always been the one on the other side of him. The fun, outrageous side. But that was definitely not the case now, and hadn’t been for years, and with me his unfortunate captive for fifty minutes every other day with nowhere to run, he was relentless with this little game of his.

And it was a game. The flirtation. The double innuendos. The seducer’s charm he laid on thick whenever we were alone.

It was his way of fucking with me, because he sure as shit wasn’t like that around his friends. Whenever they were around, I was nothing more than an annoyance to him, a bug on the bottom of his boot.

And I needed to get the hell away from him as quick as possible.

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