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“You’re being especially naughty today, birthday boy,” I said by his ear as I held his wrists down by his sides. “Don’t make me change up the itinerary.”

He turned his head so our lips grazed. “What if I want you to?”

Those teasing words and the way my cock reacted to them had me seriously considering it. Today wasn’t exactlymyidea of a good time, but it was something Caleb would enjoy, and as long as I got to spend his birthday with him, I didn’t give a damn what we did.

The limo stopped in front of our drop-off, and I let out an exaggerated sigh.

“Guess you’ll have to wait to take advantage of my body.”

Caleb’s growl made me grin as I climbed off him and adjusted my pants. The fact that he hadn’t run away screaming and calling this a mistake after last weekend had given me a little hope that he wouldn’t change his mind. That maybe, even though we were keeping it platonic in front of everyone, he’d want more. With me.

It was wishful, stupid thinking, but I didn’t care. I was determined to spend every free minute he gave me making up for lost time and showing him how good things could be if he chose me.

The door opened, and I climbed out first before reaching back for Caleb.

“Keep it on,” I said as he took my arm and stepped out. He looked more than a little wary, and I chuckled and leaned in by his ear. “Still not a party. Scout’s honor.”

He snorted. “You? A boy scout?”

“I know, it sounds terrible to me too.” I went to reach for his hand but stopped myself.

We didn’t do that in public. Nothing that would tip anyone off as to what was happening behind closed doors.

But…I needed to help lead him inside. I wanted to put my hands all over him, but Caleb’s potential reaction stopped me.

I grabbed his forearm instead and headed toward the entrance.

“Watch your step,” I said, pulling open the wide door and leading him inside. The second we stepped into the vast room, the distinct smell of pine, citrus, and malt hit my nose—blech—and Caleb froze.

“Why does it smell like we just walked into a pub? You said this wasn’t a party.”

“And it isn’t.”

“Then why does it smell like a frat house?”

“Been to a lot of those, have you?”

“Enough. Seriously, Travis, I don’t want a?—”

“Calm down,” I said, and reached over for his blindfold, slowly tugging it down his face. “This isn’t a party and we’renotat a pub—or frat house, for that matter.”

Caleb blinked, and as he began to focus on the wide-open space of one of New York’s oldest breweries, his lips began to curve. The old wooden floorboards of the restored warehouse had definitely seen better days, but added to the overall vibe of the place. If a sticky floor, beer on tap, and fermenting barley and hops in those big-ass vats in the middle of the room could be called a vibe.

“You brought me to a brewery?”

He sounded about as shocked as I was that I’d actually done it, considering that likely meant I had to drink this shit for the next however many hours we were there.

“I didn’t justbringyou to a brewery, I rented the place out for however long you want to stay.”

Caleb took in the empty space, and when he turned back to me, his lips twitched. “Which I’m guessing you hope is five minutes?”

I slipped my hands into my pockets to keep from reaching out and tasting that teasing grin, because damn he was tempting.

“I mean, I’m willing to give you ten. After all, itisyour birthday.”

“Yeah, it is, and that means I get whatever the hell I want.” Caleb took a step closer and shocked the hell out of me by leaning in to whisper against my lips, “And you’re looking really good right now.”

My dick punched against the zipper of my pants as my breath caught in my throat. “All because I brought you to a brewery? Damn, wish I’d known that sooner.”

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