Page 45 of German

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My phone was in my back pocket.I wondered if I could reach it and call German before Mouse tackled me to the floor.I doubted it, but it was worth a try.Even if I managed to make the call though, would German hear it in all this noise?I had zero confidence he would as a heavy metal song, even louder than the last, began to wail through the downstairs speakers.

“Why would German care?You aren’t his Old Lady,” Mouse replied, taking a large step forward and nearly eradicating the distance between us.

My throat constricted as I felt myself getting ready to scream.“Look, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression earlier,” I said, stepping backward again.“I’m not looking for a relationship at the moment,” I rambled nonsensically.

Eating up the fear in my eyes, Mouse smiled coldly as he reached for his belt.“I’m not looking for a relationship, you dumb bitch.I just want to fuck your pussy.German doesn’t even need to know about it.”He said this last part like he was doing me a favor.

“No thank you,” I politely declined.But, much like before, my denial only seemed to enrage him further.

“I’m not asking, cunt,” he barked, forcing me backward toward the dark rooms.“I’m telling you that’s what’s happening.”His vacant gaze traveled to my skirt and he licked his lips.“I can’t fucking wait to see if you’re a redhead between your legs, too.It’s been killing me all night,” he said, almost to himself, rubbing the bulge in his jeans with fierce determination.

Realizing I needed to make a decision, and fast, I did the one thing I could think of.Turning, I bolted into the darkness hoping I could make it back into the sanctuary of the bathroom before he caught me.



I glanced up when I saw Chrissy and Sarah return without Maddy.

Before I could ask, Sarah put up her hands and said, “Lexi needed to make a call to her dad.Bruno’s upstairs with her in one of the private bathrooms.He’ll bring her back down when she’s done.”

Relaxing into my seat, I wondered why she’d needed to call her father.Was everything okay?If she didn’t return soon, I’d go looking for her.I hated the woman being out of my sight even for a few minutes.It drove me nuts not knowing where she was or what she was doing in someone else’s Club.

“Bruno’s a good guy,” Slade told me, when he read my stiff posture.“She’s safe with him.I can guarantee you that.”

Smoke began to tell me about some of the trade routes the Raiders were involved in then, and ones he wanted in on as I waited for Maddy.After five more minutes, my stomach was in knots.Even if she wasn’t in danger, I wondered if she had bad news from Framingham which kept her from coming back to the party.

Discreetly checking my phone, I was disappointed to see she hadn’t sent me any text messages letting me know what was up.I might not know the girl well, but this silence wasn’t like her.

Fuck this!I wasn’t waiting around with my thumb up my ass.I was going to find her.Check to see if everything was okay for myself.The girls had said she was upstairs, so that's where I was heading.

When Smoke got up to refill his drink, I said, “I gotta take a leak.I’ll be right back.”

As I walked toward the door, I noticed a Prospect with a mohawk.His Club patch read “Bruno” on it.The hairs on the back of my arms stood up straight and my stomach dropped out.

Stopping dead, I asked, “Weren’t you watching Lexi?”

The man shrugged.“Mouse told me to fuck off, he’d watch her himself.”

Grabbing the man by the jacket, I hauled him closer.“Where the fuck are they?”

Seeing me manhandle one of his guys, Slade quickly joined us.“What’s the problem?Bruno, why aren’t you watching Lexi like I told you?”

“Mouse told Bruno to fuck off and that he was going to watch, Lexi,” I rehashed, my heart nearly exploding out of my chest.“Now she’s not answering my texts.”

Slade looked quietly at Smoke.“Where are they?”he asked the suddenly nervous Prospect.

Bruno looked really confused.“They’re upstairs near the bedrooms.Mouse said he was taking care of her.I thought that was okay, Prez.”

“Christ!”I heard Slade say as I raced off toward the stairwell I’d seen upon entering the Clubhouse.

Again, I’d fucked up where Maddy’s safety was concerned.I knew something was wrong when Mouse had suddenly disappeared.I should have trusted my intuition and known the man, as coked up as he was, wasn’t going to leave her alone simply because his President had told him to.Now Maddy might be injured or worse by this fucking drugged-out brute!I didn’t care what happened to me.I was going to kill him the second I got my hands around the cocksucker’s throat.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I skinned my knife from the sheath.I would have pulled my gun, but protocol dictated I leave it outside in my saddlebags when entering another Club.

Once I reached the landing, I could hear a constant banging.In front of me, I saw Mouse slamming his shoulder into one of the hallway doors like a bull trying to ram open a gate.

The door splintered just as I shouted, knife in hand, “Where the fuck is Maddy?”

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