Page 29 of German

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Maddy began to shake and I decided she’d had enough for one night.“Come on, it’s time for bed.”When she glanced at me hopefully, my dick gave an involuntary salute.Squashing my desire, I braced my hand on her shoulder.“I’ve got to place a phone call to one of my Brothers to check into Ken Mitchem’s past.See what he’s been up to for the last few decades that led to him being stuffed into the trunk of his car.You don’t need to be there for that.You need sleep.”

Maddy’s face fell, but I could see she understood.“All right.”

Turning toward the stairs, Maddy began to tiredly climb them.Deciding I didn’t like seeing her struggle, I picked her up in my arms and carried her the rest of the way.

I knew how tired she was when she didn’t even protest or complain.When I got to her room, I set her down on her bed.

Maddy fluffed her pillow and snuggled into the sheets.As soon as she was comfortable, her fat orange cat jumped onto the mattress and curled himself on top of her pillow.Reaching up, she stroked his fur and the useless beast began to purr.

“After you talk with your Club, can you come and sleep with me tonight?I don’t want to be alone after everything that’s happened,” she asked, her wide, innocent, blue eyes begging me to concede.

I knew it was a terrible idea, but I didn’t want to be apart from her either.“Yeah.Go to sleep,” I told her.“I’m going to be a bit, but I’ll be back as soon as I’m done.”



I slept like the dead.Who could blame me?I’d been assaulted by my long-time crush, come like a geyser with the hottest man I’d ever known, and then learned my father’s oldest employee had been murdered.To say it had been an eventful day was the understatement of the year.

When I awoke, I wasn’t alone.German’s tall frame was stretched out on my couch, his eyes closed and his chest slowly rising and falling.My traitor of a cat was sprawled on his chest like they went way back instead of just meeting days ago.

Although I’d wanted German to sleep beside me, he’d opted to crash on the furniture instead.Frankly annoyed, at both the feline and the man, I tossed back the covers.The biker’s choice seemed like somewhat of a slight after what we’d done in my room not even twelve hours ago.Sneaking off to the bathroom to pee, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before returning.

Exiting the bathroom, I saw that Mr.Jingles had scurried off but German was still there.Standing, he was stretching his long, sculpted frame while the edge of his shirt lifted, exposing his rippling abs.Boy, did the man look good.He had the golden ratio of height to lean muscle mass that every man envied and every woman craved.His raw, masculine beauty really got my female parts humming in the most base kind of way a man can appeal to a woman.The biker was just my type, though I hadn’t realized it until he’d unexpectedly come barreling into my life.

German caught me staring and his eyes roamed down my body with slow but obvious interest.“Did you get some rest?”he asked, his voice still rough with sleep and maybe a touch of something else?

“A lot, actually,” I confessed, not remembering a single dream.Most nights I tossed and turned and sleep eluded me.Not last night.German’s presence had allowed me to relax and sleep restfully for the first time in memory.“How was the couch?”I asked, eyebrows raised.

“Comfortable,” he said, situating his wallet back into his rear pocket.

I doubted that.I’d slept on that couch before.And while it was expensive, it looked much better than it felt.

“You didn’t need to sleep on it all,” I reminded him.“You could have slept beside me last night.I don’t bite, you know,” I lightly jested.

German’s expression tightened alongside his posture.A dead giveaway he was uncomfortable with the topic at hand.“You looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

That wasn’t it and we both knew it.Frustrated at his gentle brushoff, I decided I needed a shower and a coffee before we discussed this touchy subject any further.Otherwise, I’d regret what I said.And I had no intentions of fighting with the man.There were things I’d much rather be doing with the handsome biker that involved filthy words and filthier deeds.The sooner he realized he couldn’t push me away, that we were going to finish what we’d started last night on the top of my bureau, the happier we’d both be.

“I need to go into town today to do some chores,” I informed him then, walking toward the bathroom.“I’m going to take a quick shower, but I’ll be ready to leave at around ten.”

German nodded.“Ten it is.”

After showering, I piled my hair into a high bun on the top of my head.Rummaging through my closet, I picked a blue sundress that was cute but comfortable.After putting on the bare essentials for makeup, I met German downstairs in the kitchen.

Like he could read my mind, he handed me a steaming cup of coffee.“You ready for chores?”

Sniffing the delightful brew, I took a deep swallow.French roast and hand ground.Just like I liked it.The brand was a local company I’d stumbled upon a few years back.Saint that she was, Gretchen always made sure to keep some stocked in our pantry.But this was her day off, so German must have found it and thoughtfully brewed a cup for the both of us.

“You drink it black?”he posed, smiling at the look of pure pleasure rippling across my face.“I would have taken you for a cream and sugar kind of girl.I like it black myself.”

“In the morning, it’s black all the way,” I said between lusty sips.“If I’m having a dessert coffee in the afternoon though, that’s a different story.”

The biker snorted.“What the hell is a ‘dessert coffee’?”

I rolled my eyes.“Do you live under a rock?It’s just what it sounds like.Coffee for dessert.You know, like when you add extracts and spices for flavor and fun, not just to help you wake up in the morning.”

“I must be boring then because I’ve never done that,” the man ruefully returned.

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