Page 23 of German

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Eyes bulging with terror, Nathan began to fumble with the top buttons on his dress shirt.When he was down to his boxers, he hesitated.

“I said naked, dick face,” I shouted, watching him dispassionately.

Digging his thumbs into the waistband of his high-priced boxers, he inched them down his legs as he began to cry.

While I appreciated Maddy hadn’t tried to stop me yet, and she didn’t beg for mercy on his behalf, I didn’t want her to see this next part.Not because she didn’t deserve to.Christ, if anyone deserved to see this, she did.I just didn’t want her to have nightmares later on or feel guilty about it after the reality of my depravity sunk in.

“Maddy, go back to my bike,” I calmly instructed.

Taking a deep breath, Maddy did exactly what I told her to and headed off in the opposite direction.She might be stubborn, but she knew when to take direction.My dick gave a little jump of excitement at that.

As she walked away, Nathan begged her not to go.

“Shut the fuck up,” I growled, and the boy fell silent.“Get on your knees and put your hands behind your head.”

Quaking, the boy reluctantly complied, letting his unstable legs collapse beneath him until he was resting in the dirt on his knees.

“I’m going to give you two options tonight,” I began, feeling quite charitable.“That’s two more than you were going to give Maddy before raping her.”

“I wasn’t, I swear!”he foolishly argued, thinking anything he could say at this point would sway me.

Reaching into my waistband, I extracted my gun.The sight alone caused the peckerhead to piss himself with fear.I let the full weight of my threat settle over him so he could understand how serious this situation was.That should put an end to any last-minute protests I wasn’t inclined to hear.

“One,” I said, pointing my gun in the direction of his thick skull, “I blow your brains out and let my Club find somewhere to bury your worthless body that even your rich daddy can’t find.”

“Please, no!”Nathan blubbered and moaned.“What’s the second option?I want to hear the second option!”

I was glad he asked.Because I was really looking forward to this second option, though I’m not sure how much better he would think it was after I was through with him.

“Two,” I said, after soaking in his terror for a full minute, “I give you what some might call an ‘involuntary prison tat’.”

Nathan’s mind whirred for a moment as he processed his options.“A tattoo?What of?”

I smiled coldly, holding up my knife.“You’ll see when I’m done.”Wadding up one of the boy’s socks, I tossed it into the puddle of piss at his knees and ordered, “Put this in your mouth, kid.You’re going to need it.”

* * *


I waited by German’s bike as he’d instructed.The quiet of the night enshrouded me as time seemed to stretch endlessly on.I’m not sure how long I stood there, but eventually, German came out of the woods carrying Nathan’s clothes bundled under his arm.

Hucking them over the side of the cliff, I watched them disappear into the void below.Next, he tossed over what I presumed was my date’s phone and key fob.

Striding over to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and began scanning my body for wounds.After he was satisfied there wasn’t anything that needed immediate tending, he said, “Did he hurt you?”

Shaking my head, my eyes filled with angry tears which I quickly blinked away.“No.He tried, but I would have fought him to the death first!”

German’s hands reflexively tightened at my impassioned statement.“Damn straight, you would have.But you’re never going to have to do that, Babe.I taught that waste of skin a lesson he won’t ever forget.”

I desperately wanted to know what he’d done to Nathan, but I knew German wouldn’t tell me tonight.“Thank you,” I whispered, the adrenaline crash happening in an instant, causing me to sag on my feet.

“Come on.I’m taking you home.You need to get out of these torn clothes and into a shower.You’ve got blood all over your arms and legs.”

Glancing down, I saw the dried trails of the brownish-red stuff smeared along my pale skin and shivered.

Reaching for his helmet, German placed it on my head and tenderly fit the strap to my chin.Next, he pulled off his leather jacket and fed my arms through the oversized sleeves.

“What about you?”I asked, nervous only one of us would be protected on our ride home.

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