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“You know those kinds of guys, Kira, you injured his pride, he was just trying to save face,” Mary Beth said, with a shrug of her shoulders. “I’m sure you got your point across and he won’t bother you again, although I would like to get a look at him.”

“What a waste,” she said, shaking her head. “He’s absolutely gorgeous, curly blonde hair, green eyes, and a body that would make any woman feel a little thrill.”

“Even you?” Mary Beth asked, then laughed when her cheeks turned pink. “Now I really want to see this guy.”

When they emerged from the cabin, Montgomery was waiting for them, “I hope you’re feeling better,” he said. “You had me scared there for a second.”

“I’m sorry about that, I’m feeling much better,” Mary Beth said. “I didn’t mean to cause such a ruckus; I forget to eat sometimes.”

“It was no problem, you were one of the best passengers I’ve ever had,” Montgomery said, smiling at Mary Beth. “You didn’t make a peep the whole trip.”

They all laughed, “Let me help you off the boat, ladies,” he said, leading them over to the gate. “I hope you enjoy your stay on Heart of the Ocean, it’s a beautiful place.”

“Thank you, Montgomery,” she said. “I’m going to look into those sailing lessons you mentioned; they sound like a lot of fun.”

“But it’s hard work, too,” Montgomery said. “Don’t expect to just sit around and soak up the sun if you’re going to sail; you’re going to get a workout.”

“I haven’t been hitting the gym for nothing,” she said, grinning at him. “I’m up for the challenge.”

“Then I’ll see you first thing tomorrow morning for your first lesson,” Mongomery said. “Nine o’clock sharp, and have a big breakfast, you’re going to need it.”

She walked away from Montgomery with a big smile on her face, “Well, look at that, you haven’t been on the island for five minutes, and you have a date already,” Mary Beth said, grinning at her. “I thought I was the one who was going to cut loose on this trip.”

“It’s not a date, and I’m not cutting loose; it’s sailing lessons and nothing more,” she said, then saw the look on her friend’s face. “Mary Beth, I’m serious; he’s just a nice guy who wants to teach me to sail. Don’t forget this is what he gets paid for; there’s nothing going on between us.”

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt you if there was,”Mary Beth said. “You need to have some fun for a change, let your hair down, and a wild romance with a sailor would be just the way to do it.”

“Mary Beth, that’s not why I came here,” she said. “I just want to rest and relax. The last thing I want to think about is men. I’ve had enough of that for a while.”

“I’m not talking marriage and happily ever after and all that, I’m just suggesting you have a little meaningless sex,” Mary Beth said. “You know, no strings attached, vacation sex.”

She looked over at her friend, “Oh, Mary Beth, that’s not exactly me, and you know it,” she said, smiling at her. “Besides, I’m a mom now. What kind of parent would I be if I jumped into bed with a man I barely know.”

“So, get to know him first. You’ve got two weeks here, that’s plenty of time,” Mary Beth said, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Look, Kira, I know that Edward did a real job on you, I know how much he hurt you with his lies, but you can’t shut half the world out because of him. There are lots of good men out there, men who would be happy to share your companionship for a few weeks, and they’ll treat you with the respect you deserve.”

She studied Mary Beth for a second. No one knew better what she’d been through over the last year. She’d been there with Kira every step of the way. “I promise to try,” she said. “That’s the best I can do.”

“Well, that’s all I can ask for,” Mary Beth said, linking arms with Kira. “Now, let’s go find Max. He and I were hot and heavy there for a while in college. I wonder if any of that old spark is still there.”

“Mary Beth, what are you planning?” she asked, then shook her head. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

Mary Beth laughed, “Come on, Kira, I’m single, he’s single, we’re both adults,” she said. “What’s a vacation to atropical island without a little romance? You’ll see, it’s the air or something, it loosens you up, and I’m ready to get loose.”

“How about we find our cabin before you get too loose,” she said. “I’m ready to hit the beach, I’ve been thinking about this for weeks. I’m going to watch the sunset every night and the sunrise every morning.”

“As long as I’m doing it from bed, that sounds good to me,” Mary Beth said, grinning at her, then she started to wave. “Oh, look, there’s Max.”

She followed Mary Beth’s gaze up the dock and let out a little groan, “And he’s standing there with that jerk, Simon,” she said. “It looks like they know each other.”

Mary Beth studied the two men as they walked up the dock, “He does look familiar. He might have been friends with Max when we were in college,” she said. “You weren’t kidding. He is hot.”

“I told you,” Kira said, shaking her head. “But he’s a huge jerk so that ruins it. I almost wish I didn’t know, at least then I could enjoy looking at him.”



“There she is,” Simon said, nudging Max when he saw the woman from the boat walking up the dock. “That must be her friend with her. They kind of look like……well……you know, maybe they’re still in the closet or whatever they say.”

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