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“I’ll do that, but don’t hold your breath,” she said, not realizing that her eyes were saying something completely different. “We should get our shopping done. We don’t have a lot of time left before we have to be back at the marina.”

Simon smiled at her, clearly willing to let the conversation go, and she was a little disappointed, “Then we’d better get in there and see what the men of Bermuda consider high fashion,” he said, taking her hand and leading her over to the door. “I’m open to about anything but white. I’ve spent half my adult life dressed in tennis whites or some other horrible get up, and I’m ready to try something a little more relaxed.”

The store was much bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside, taking up the buildings on either side and filled with racks and racks of clothing. Not sure where to start, they stood just inside the door, scanning the huge store. Before she could suggest they start with shorts, a man came bustling out of the back room, a welcoming smile on his faceuntil he saw Simon.

“What is that mess you’re wearing?” he asked, shaking his head. “It’s a good thing you came in here. No one should go around dressed like that, but I’m here to help.”

Simon looked a bit shocked at first, then began to laugh, “Is everyone on this island so……honest?” he asked. “You should have heard what Harry said about my hair an hour ago.”

“Ah, you know Harry, he must have sent you,” Hector said, the smile back on his face. “He’s a good friend. Come, let’s find you some new clothes. I’ll be happy to burn those for you when we’re finished.”

“As good as that sounds,” Simon said. “I should probably return them to the people I borrowed them from.”

“Then send them to me,” Hector said, then noticed her standing there for the first time. “Ah, hello, little lady, don’t you look nice today.”

“Thank you,” she said. “This is a nice store. You must be very proud.”

“My wife and I have worked very hard to make it a success,” Hector said, beaming at her. “Perhaps you should go browse her women’s department. I’m sure she’d be happy to meet you.”

Kira knew she was being dismissed, “That sounds like a great idea,” she said, then stretched up and gave Simon a quick kiss. “I’ll be over there if you need me. Good luck.”

“I think I’ll be in excellent hands,” Simon said, then grinned at her. “But there are several things I can think of right now that I need you for.”

She gasped as a wave of desire rushed through her, followed by thrills that made goosebumps break out on her skin, and images that had no place being there suddenly popped into her mind. Speechless with the feelings cascading through her, she could only stare at him as she fought forcontrol, then finally managed to take a few steps away from him.

“I’ll just go,” she finally stammered, feeling her cheeks heating with a blush. “Come find me when you’re done.”

The women’s department was located in one of the buildings the store had expanded into, and she had to go down a couple of steps to reach the sales floor. The woman standing behind the counter gave her a welcoming smile, finished with the customer she was helping, and then came over to her.

“Good morning,” she said. “How can I help you?”

“Well, I’m mostly just looking,” she said. “I’m here with my……. friend. He needed some new clothes, and Hector suggested I look around while I’m waiting.”

The woman looked over at Simon, then back at her, “He’s not your boyfriend?” she asked, a look of confusion on her face. “You look like you belong together.”

Hating the burst of happiness the woman’s words brought surging to the surface, she shook her head, “We’re just friends,” she said, a bit louder than needed. “I mean……we just met a few days ago, and Simon is……well complicated, I guess you could say.”

“Ah, but complicated men are so much more fun,” the woman said, grinning at her. “I’m Lucy, by the way. Come with me, we’ll find you something pretty to wear for your……. friend. You and that handsome man belong together. I have a special sense for these things, and I’m never wrong.”

“Well, there’s always a first time,” she said, then instantly felt bad. “I’m sorry. It’s just that we’re from different worlds, and the last thing I need in my life is a man.”

Lucy patted her arm, “You’re still in denial, that’s okay,” she said. “We’ll shop anyway. You never know when you’ll need somethingpretty to wear.”

In the end, she couldn’t fight the woman and she walked out of the women’s department with two sundresses that she knew she’d probably never wear once she left the island. Simon was waiting for her by the front doors, dressed in a new pair of shorts and a button-down shirt covered in bright flowers, with a pair of sandals on his feet. He looked so unsure of himself, so unlike the cocky jerk he’d been, she had to take a deep breath and remind herself that they were just friends.

“Do I look ridiculous?” Simon finally asked, smoothing the shirt nervously with his hands. “Hector said it looked good, but I don’t know, Hawaiian isn’t really my style, or didn’t used to be.”

“You look great,” she said, hoping he didn’t notice that her voice sounded funny. “That shirt is perfect for you.”

Simon let out a sigh of relief, “I was worried that you were going to laugh at me,” he said, then held up the bag. “I’ve got four more outfits in here. Hector gave me a discount.”

“I hope there’s a new swimming suit in there,” she said, grinning at him. “That other one you have is horrible.”

“Hey, that suit cost four hundred dollars,” he said, acting insulted. “It’s cashmere, made completely by hand, and useless as a swimming suit, so, yes, I did get a new one.”

“I knew you were smarter than you looked,” she said, then saw the clock on the wall. “Oh, Simon, we should get going. We only have an hour to get back to the marina.”


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