Page 78 of Alpha Varsity

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“You weren’t taking no for an answer?” Principal Olsen uses the sternness of Alpha Command in his voice. While Andy won’t have the extreme biological response to it that shifters do, he should feel cowed by it.

Andy’s face, already ruddy from the altercation, goes an even deeper red. There’s nothing like shame when it comes to a spoiled rich artist who cares far too much about being admired by others. “Well, I–”

“It’s all right,” I interrupt. I have the conversation going exactly the way I want it. I get to be the magnanimous one now, instead of Andy. I’m the offended party, but I prevent Andy from going on the defensive by propping up his ego with my warmth. “I’m just relieved no one was hurt.” I meet his gaze and shake my head. “Seriously, you were amazing. And so lucky. You should definitely buy a lottery ticket today.”

“Wow, that’s crazy,” Mrs. Miller echoes. Thank fate she’s quick on the uptake. “So lucky. Are you into martial arts?”

Andy preens a little. “No. Just naturally athletic.”

Principal Olsen looks at me. “Do you want to press charges?”

Andy’s head whips around.

“No, definitely not. It was not a big deal. No harm, no foul, right, Andy?”

He blinks at me then at Principal Olsen.

I hold my breath. Please let this work.

Please, please, please let this work.

“Yeah. All good. I’m sorry.” He shakes out his designer t-shirt for any remaining pieces of glass.

“No, me, too.” I put my hand on his elbow and escort him toward the parking lot. The sooner I get him out of this town, the better.

Andy shakes his head as we walk. “How did…how did I go through the window?”

“It was just some freak accident. Seriously epic. I wish you could have seen yourself.”

“What happened to that kid?” He looks around. “I mean, where’s the student who threw me?”

“He was really embarrassed. I sent him back to the office.” I roll my eyes. “These meathead ballers don’t realize how strong they are. He didn’t mean you any harm. I obviously knew I wasn’t in any danger from you, but he walked in right at the wrong moment. And these jocks all have this damsel in distress savior complex.” I flick an imaginary piece of glass from his shoulder. “You’re totally okay, right?”

I can see his pride warring with the spoiled part of him that wants to cry victim. “Yeah,” he says finally.

My pulse is a quick beat in both my wrists. “Yeah, me too.” I’m still pretending I’m the real victim here. I bump my shoulder against his as we walk. “Not cool demanding sexual favors in return for introductions at the gallery, though.” I make my voice light like we’re best friends whohad a little disagreement we’re ready to laugh over. “You’re luckyIdidn’t throw you through a window.”

He doesn’t take the rebuke well. I went a little too far. He splutters, “Well, I wasn’t–”

“Kidding.” I playfully bump his shoulder again. “It’s fine. I know you didn’t mean it.” We arrive at the side of a shiny black Mustang, the one I had picked out as his rental car. “What is the deal with the gallery, though?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t think it’s a good fit for you.”

Asshole. I’m not surprised. I shouldn’t be disappointed. I knew he would answer this way based on what just happened, yet it still hits me like an arrow to the heart. It still feels like an affront to my art. I straighten my stiff shoulders. “Right. Okay, well, I hope it works out for you.”

He takes a slow survey of the parking lot, like he’s getting his bearings and suddenly has no idea why he’s here. His lip curls in familiar sneer. “Well. I hope this teaching thing works out for you.” He infuses a world of pity and condemnation in his voice.

A few days ago that pity and condemnation might have hurt because I felt it for myself, too.

Now, though, I could not give a fuck. I’ve been far too wrapped up in myself and my career to see what’s important. Love is what matters.

And I love Asher.

I will do anything in the world to keep him from being expelled from school and banished from the pack.


“Get in.” Coach Jamison grabbed me outside and hustled me to his pickup truck.

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