Page 66 of Wings of Destiny

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“This isn’t the first time that this has happened, Erin Snow. You have been through many trials before. You shall persevere again.”

“Lay off, dude. It was one day.”

“One day could be the difference between life and death.” Clouds rolled in from the distance. Lightning lit the sky as they raced forward. Darkness began closing in. The air suddenly thin, grasping my neck, suffocating me.

I snapped my head sideways, only to find that the man had disappeared.

Screams echoed along the horizon, growing in volume as the thundering storm raged in toward me. The sky wept, flooding the clearing. The mountains oddly morphing.

Against my struggling breath, I squinted, forcing my eyes to tap into their enhanced vision. Gone was the beautiful green scape. In its place were mountains, no longer formed by eons of the land moving and colliding, but by bodies. Millions. Their mouths hung open, eyes hollowed out, streams of tears the color of oxblood trailing from their sockets. Rivers of blood flowed down the landscape. The clearing flooded, becoming the deepest shade of red. The thick liquid rose above my ankles, over my calves, and knees. Rising higher and higher, quicklyenveloping me. It reached my chin, and I sucked in as much strangled air as I could. The blood began to fill my mouth, seeping in through my nose, choking me. Drowning me.

A voice from within the depths of the Earth rang softly through my head as the darkness enveloped me.

“Save me.”

I jolted awake gasping for air. Sweat slicked down my back, loose strands of hair clung to my forehead. My heart thundered in my chest as I tried to calm my breathing. I frantically searched the room; Libby and Derik were still huddled together asleep, her body turned sideways with her head resting on Derik’s chest. Seth snored next to me, his arm loosely wrapped across my lap, as he laid on his stomach. His thick, black hair messy and covering the upper half of his face—peaceful. I let out a breath, calming myself.

Everyone is here.

They are all safe.

It was just another weird nightmare with the silver haired weirdo.

My eyes began to roam over Seth’s form as he slept. Taking in the toned muscle down his bare back from the years of weight training and apparent fighting. I did a double take. Bare back.

Seth was shirtless.

And had his arm around my lap.

I panicked and threw my blanket off my legs.

I let out another breath, relief. I was still fully clothed, not a scrap missing.

Holy hell.

I racked my brain through the fog of the night before. The Taco House, a giant ass margarita, accidentally squeezing Josh’s junk, Seth going over-protective on me, again, coming back here, getting sloshed, and playing drinking games.

Oh no.

I slapped my hands over my face, dragged them down as the rest of the night replayed.

It started with two additional rounds of heavy poured Vodka Lemonades, racing to see who could slurp theirs down the quickest. Seth and Derik tied. While Libby and I choked ours back.

Derik grabbed the emptied bottle of vodka and had us all sit cross-legged in a loose circle, a mischievous grin played on his face. “Who’s sup fora game of Truth er Dare? Each turns a-nother shot,” he slurred.

I shot him my best devilish smirk and reached for the bottle, spinning it. “I’ll go first.”

“Ballsy. I like that on ya, Short Stuff,” Derik said, an octave lower.

“Get in line, Derik.” Libby giggled, pointedly glancing to my right. Where Seth was lounging propped up on his elbows.

I scoffed. “Ha, yeah right,” the bottle landed on Libby. “Not his type. And nobody is in line for this mess fest.” I waved my hands up and down, emphasizing my lack of allure. Libby rolled her eyes at me.

“Ssoo, Lib, Truth oor dare?” Derik asked.

She hiccuped. “I think Erin’s supposed to ask me that.”

My grin held. “Well, which is it, Libby?”

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