Page 47 of Wings of Destiny

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I directed my attention to the not-so-innocent Libby. “You kicked me?”

Libby squirmed, wringing her wrists. “It worked on Derik a few times in the past and we’ve had to do it to Seth to wake him up before too. So, I thought it might work. You wouldn’t have been hurt by it. I don’t think so at least. They gave me hell about it when they woke up, but no bruising. And I thought with you being a Nephilim now and your powers coming in, it’d be okay.” I shook my head before dropping it into my hand, a migraine etching its way through my skull.

“You guys are ridiculous, you know that?” I raised my head back up to see Libby on the border of crying.


“Libby, I’m not mad. There’s no reason to be upset. I’m fine,” I sighed. “Obviously, I just sleep like a rock. And I’m not a morning person. Word of advice: do not try waking me up again.”

“Already noted, Snow,” Derik said.

“Glad we’re on the same page,” I turned to Seth. “Did I miss anything while I was down for the count?” I braced myself.

Seth shook his head, frustrated. “No, Derik and I have been trying to gather more information on those disappearances and what they wanted with you. Why they took you, and nothing so far. No ties.”

“Right now, there’s thirteen people that are missing and we can’t figure out why they were taken either. I hate to ask, Snow, but did you hear anything while…while you were there?” added Derik uncomfortably.

I looked down at my lap, forcing myself to think of anything that might’ve stood out. Struggling to keep the panic and fear from creeping back through me.

Breath. Focus. Push back the fear.

Hisvoice played clearly in my mind as if it were a recording. Claws hooked into the image.

“You are The Key.”

My eyes remained clamped shut as I dragged myself from the memory. “They said…I was The Key.” I removed myself from the memory and replayed it as if it were in third person, and I was observing from the outside—as if it were a movie.

It’s not real.

It’s not real.

You’re at Seth’s.

In his guest room.

It’s not real.

I blinked my eyes. They were all staring at me. “What? Do I have drool on my face?” I wiped my arm across my mouth, not that it’d do any good at that point.

Seth gulped. “The Key.” He looked toward Derik and Libby.

I stuck my neck out. “Hello? Guys? If you know something, do you care to elaborate for those of us—me—who don’t know?” I waved my hands in the air for emphasis.

Seth tore his eyes from Derik and Libby, and he completely ignored Josh.


“If you’re The Key, then we’re in for a whole lot of shit that’s going to hit the fan around here, Rin.”

“Well. Fuck.”

Chapter seventeen


“Okay, so explain this whole ‘Key’ bullshit to me again?” Seth and Derik had been talking their heads off, trying to explain it to me for hours at that point. Libby intervened a few times but just left me more confused. Josh preferred to play watchman, standing against the wall with his arms crossed looking all angsty like he had a stick up his ass. What made him even more annoying was how hot he looked doing it.


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