Page 38 of Wings of Destiny

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“Erebus,” I whispered.

Erebus threw his head back and laughed. “Not so slow after all!” He clapped. “A gold star for the little Nephilim.”

I shot him a glare and flicked my wrist as best as I could in the shackles that bound my wrists. I dove inward until I found what I was searching for. I pulled on the tethers of my lightning and shot a couple bolts at his feet, missing by a few inches.

Erebus scowled. “Now, that wasn’t very polite, Erin Snow. You should mind your manners.”

“Oh, bite me, you hell-spawned dick with wings.” I spat at him and sent another spark flying toward him.

He growled, managing to catch it in his hand like he was Zeus for fucks sake. It dissipated. Vanished.

What the actual fuck?

“What the hell are you? And what do you want with me?” I demanded, gritting my teeth.

He glided forward, stopping inches from the tips of my breasts. His yellow eyes licked their way up to my face, causing me to squirm in my shackles, a cold sweat broke out along the nape of my neck. Erebus lifted a single clawed finger to my chin, lifting it slightly, assessing my pale, exposed skin.

I gulped.

His pupils dialed in on the movement. “I, little Nephilim, am your worst nightmare,” the pointed smile returned, spreading across his face. “For I am Erebus. One of the mightiest Demons from Hell.” He swooped his wings outward in emphasis, a cloud of orange and red puffed around us. Erebus pulled my chin downward, his eyes pierced mine, holding me. “And you”—he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if he were inhaling the fear that no doubt emanated from my body—“are The Key.”

I furrowed my brows. “Key? Key to what, dude? Do I look like a small chunk of brass you could shove into a door? Have you lost your marbles?”

He licked his lips again. As his tongue neared the corner of his mouth, he flicked it, tapping my lower lip.

Pure anger filled me.

Son of a bitch.

A quick flash back to the break-in from my teenage years danced around the edges of my vision. His mouth widened in satisfaction. He lapped at me again. This time when his grey-slug of an appendage brushed my lips, attempting to slither its way into my mouth, I loosened my lips, to allow entry. Then bit down as hard as I could, drawing what I assumed was the Demon’s equivalent of blood and spat black sludge in his face.

Erebus hissed, lurching back. His fist barreled toward me.

I shut my eyes, expecting the hit to land in the dead center of my face. Instead, his claws extended and lashed straight through my T-shirt, slashing it open, and tearing bits of my bra. I felt the gooey warmth of blood as it pooled at the top of my breast. The pain was scorching. Tears threatened to fall. I clamped my mouth shut, forcing them back.

Not today, you fucking creep.

Erebus brought his crimson coated claws to his nostrils. Inhaling, his pupils rolled back. His snake of a tongue slipped out and lapped my blood off the tips, a guttural moan echoed off the stone walls. “Absolutely decadent.”

I braced myself for him to creep closer again. Instead, he waved his fingers, claws retracted, and the brute from Seth’s house, Asier, stepped forward with what looked like a bull whip in his hand. My eyes narrowed.


I squirmed in my restraints trying to worm myself free, yanking at my wrists and ankles. Only managing to further mangle myself in the process. The cuffs etched into my wrists, blood slowly seeped down my arms from the skin being rubbed raw. Asier readied his whip, bound in leather. Erebus stood tothe side, bulging arms crossed over one another to rest on his puffed-out chest, shoulders rolled back. Devilish wings splayed behind him.

This fucker is going to enjoy this.

Asier jerked his arm back then snapped it forward, cracking the whip against my thigh, tearing away at my black gunk-covered leggings.

I clenched my jaw, forcing the scream building in my throat back down.

Do not give them the satisfaction.

Asier yanked the whip back again, cracking it against my other thigh, another strip of fabric snatched away with it. Twin gashes ignited with a burning pain where the whip had made contact with my bare flesh. Erebus grew smug, his fangs glinting in the light of the stoned room. The whip cracked again, lashing against my stomach. I gritted my teeth.

The next one landed on my arm, leading the whip to fully wrap itself around before it was yanked back, tearing my skin. Asier went for my legs again. And again. And again. Each time, I braced myself for the impact. Slowly pushing down the pain. Forcing myself to go numb, extracting my self mentally from the torture. I could feel the wind from the constant cracking of the whip prickling up and down my thighs, my torso. Hardly anything was left of my clothing.

Do not give them the satisfaction of seeing the pain.

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