Page 19 of Wings of Destiny

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Not now. Not in front of someone you don’t know.

I sucked in a steady breath. “Definitely overwhelming but Seth explained the basics and his whole memory manipulation thing. Not sure what superpowers Derik or Libby have going for them but that’s what I’ve got so far.”

Josh chuckled. “Superpowers? You mean our abilities?”

“Superpowers, abilities. Same thing. Either way, more than human,” I said, waving my hand up and down to brush it off.

“Fair enough. So, Seth didn’t fill you in on the rest of us, I take it.”

“Nope, nothing,” I glanced sideways at Josh. “But I am curious. What tricks do you have up your sleeve? And how many of ‘us’ are there?”

“Nothing too intimidating, Miss Snow, I assure you. There’s but a handful of individuals you’ve yet to meet. As for myself, I’m simply capable of invoking illusions and causing someone to see things that aren’t really there. My ability seems limited to Demons and humans, but it comes in handy during battle.”

“Two out of three doesn’t seem so bad. Why would you want to use that against another Nephilim anyway?” I glanced at Josh out of the corner of my eye once more.

Illusion against the bad guys and the people we’re supposed to protect doesn’t seem like a bad thing.

“To shield other Nephilim from the worst of the worst. Imagine seeing your closest friends, fellow warriors that you’ve fought side by side for decades, centuries, slaughtered right before your own painful death. There are some…that I wish I could’ve saved from experiencing that…in their last moments.” Josh’s face fell, shadowed with grief.

“I’m so sorry.” It came out barely more than a whisper.

He nodded as we passed another massive pile of debris and reached the rest of our group. Seth, in the middle of giving a run down to Libby, Derik, and a few others, motioned to Josh.

Seth continued, the authority emanating from him as he spoke, catching me off guard. “From what Josh has found so far, it’s definitely pointing toward the fire and disappearances being Demon handiwork. Black rings of smoke and ash were found around the entire premises in addition to three of the larger electrical panels on the main floor of the power plant, as well as the homes of the individuals who disappeared. Nothing from their homes was taken either,” he paused, rubbing his thumb and pointer finger across his brow line, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Right now, we don’t know what the tie between eachperson is or why they were targeted. Be on the lookout. Keep your eyes peeled. We’ll split up into teams to cover some more ground”—Seth’s eyes grazed over the group. His finger pointed in my direction—“Erin, you’ll be with Libby. Derik, with me and Josh. Everyone else take the perimeter and be on the lookout.” We all nodded in agreement and separated.

Libby led the way toward what would’ve been the east wing of the plant, if there was anything left of it. She stopped in the center of the ash-covered remnants of the wing. Kneeling, Libby placed her hands flat on the cracked cement floor, her arms spread away from her body. She breathed in, her eyes closed. A sudden breeze picked up, snaking its way toward Libby. It picked up speed and encased her in a whirlwind of debris, whipping her shoulder-length hair across her face and neck. Sparks flew from chunks of cement as they made contact with the ground at a mind blowing speed.

What the hell is happening?

My throat tightened as Libby’s head snapped back. Her back arched, the wind stopped, and the rubble that had encircled her dropped, colliding with the broken concrete floor. The whole area stood still. And then, she crumpled to the ground.

Panic welled in my stomach and I launched forward barely catching her head before it slammed into the ground. “Libby? Libby! Hey!” I looked around frantically, trying to see if any of the guys were nearby. The blood rushed from my head and it was just the two of us.

And Libby was unconscious.

Fuck fuck fuck. What do I do? Think, Snow. Think!

Libby shifted in my grasp, turning her head slightly.

“Libby? Are you okay!?” The panic was evident in my voice.

Thank God, she’s awake.

She blinked up at me, her emerald-green eyes clear. She wiggled out of my arms and sat up. Libby shook her arms outand gathered herself as a proud grin spread from ear to ear. She stood, dusting off her blue jeans and held out her hand to help me up. She rested one hand on her hip, as if she didn’t just collapse in the midst of some miniaturized tornado. “Thanks for the catch, Erin!” I furrowed my brow.

“Are you ok? What was that? You collapse and now you’re completely fine? How are you okay right now? What the hell happened?” The words rose frantically as they rushed off my tongue.

Libby shrugged. “Yeah, that happens. No biggie.” She waved me off, her smile almost angelic.

“No biggie? Dude, you almost busted your head and looked like your ass was possessed.”

My heart continued to race.

“It’s just a part of my power. I have the power of retrocognition, meaning I can see the past. Events or situations that have happened,” she must’ve noticed that itmadezerosense to me. “Okay, think of a fortune teller”—I nodded my head, wanting to understand—“where a fortune teller can see the future and things to come, I can see the things that have been. Even if I wasn’t present for it.”

A reverse fortune teller?

But…aren’t fortune tellers just a sham?

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