Page 120 of Wings of Destiny

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“God help us”

I snickered at my sword and turned on my heel back to Derik. Libby finished off her Demons with a final thrust of her blade, taking their heads clean off. She wiped the sweat off her brow. The Demons’ blood caked both of us.

Derik just gawked.


“You. What the hell? You took that thing down like it was nothing.”

I stared at him. “It was nothing. Now out with it, why the hell are you here? And how long did it take for Josh to blab?” I stepped closer, making sure to flash the dagger still in the palm of my hand, baring my teeth. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Libby step closer, ready to get between the two of us if necessary.

Derik threw his hands up in front of himself. “He texted me right after you left his place,” Derik shot a knowing glance to Libby, who in turn shrunk back. “He said to tell you that you only told him to keep himself and Seth out of it and said nothing about keeping me out of the fight.”

I mentally kicked myself in the foot for not thinking to include Derik in the ‘do not tell’ list. “You still should’ve gotten the message. So get. Obviously, I’ve got this handled.”

“Maybe, but you really think the two of you can take on whatever is awaiting you? And get those people out? Are you psychotic?”

“Excuse me but we’ve been fine. And I have a plan.” I narrowed my eyes at Derik.

“And what the hell is that? Cross your fingers that your stab-and-zing trick works on a bunch of Demons who are more powerful than you?” Derik was bent slightly, his face inches from mine, fuming.

“We were going to wing it, actually,” Libby mumbled.

“I’m sorry, you what!?” Derik growled.

I bristled. “Dammit, Libby.” I met Derik’s death glare with one of my own, the fire in my eyes reflecting off of his.

“No. Don’t you fucking ‘dammit Libby’, her. Erin, that’s fucking idiotic. You could get yourselves killed. And I might be pretty freaking peeved at Lib right now, but I don’t want her dead. I know you don’t either. And do you have any idea what that would do to Seth?” His voice turned to a threatening whisper.

“Of course I don’t want her dead. I don’t wantanyonedead, Derik,” I kept his accusing glare. “Keeping the rest of you and those people alive is the fucking plan.”

Derik’s eyes softened with understanding. “Erin…”

Don’t look at me like that, Derik.

I cut him off. “We need to go. If you’re tagging along fine. But we leave. Now.” I turned on my heel and slashed through the bushes and continued through the forest, Derik and Libby close behind.

Chapter forty-four


The sun set as we neared the mountain summit, I peeked behind me and sent a silent thank you that I wasn’t afraid of heights. Derik on the other hand was greener than a tub of slime. Libby rubbed his back as they reached me. Derik stiffened at her touch and put a bit of space between them. Her face fell for a brief moment.

“Under different circumstances, this would be beautiful,” Libby said, laced with wonder…and regret.

“Yeah,” I sighed and faced the mountain once again. “How much further—” Muffled screams cut me off. I dropped to the ground, Derik and Libby followed suit. “Shit.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Derik whispered.

I smacked him on the back of the head. “Of course it doesn’t, Dummy.” I hissed.

I pushed out the sensation from earlier, the shimmering expanded behind my eyes as I pushed my feelers out for Demons. My brain whirled on overload from the influx of Demonic power. My sword chimed in first.

“Holy shit.”

No kidding. My head hurts like a bitch. What do I do?

I felt the stares from my sword and the presence with the angelic voice on me.

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