Page 12 of Wings of Destiny

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I’m not…human?

My heart sank as the bandages that mended the cracks within it split in two.

Seth lunged forward, his arm extended, worry etched across his face. His lips moved but the words fell mute. A harrowing ring filled my ears and engulfed me. Its screech dug its claws into me and dragged me down as the room fell away. Everything disappeared. I was shrouded in darkness.

Chapter three


My head was spinning and someone was shaking me.Where was I?My eyes blinked open, slowly focusing. Seth was inches from my face, his mouth moving. I groaned as bright light hit my eyes. I peered around Seth and glared at the fixtures that hung from his ceiling.

Too bright.

“Erin? Erin! You okay?” He stopped shaking me. “You passed out.” He cupped my cheek, checking to see if I was coherent.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, sorry,” I rasped as I swatted him away; the little story he dropped in my lap before I blacked out replayed in my mind. I gathered my thoughts and processed what I could, my brain still foggy. “Is that why I’ve been having these weird dreams? Is that what they mean?” I mumbled.

He nodded, his tensed jawline relaxing as I propped myself up on his couch. “We’re not sure who spoke to you but it’s not necessarily a dream. Typically when a Nephilim is getting close to transforming or ‘coming of age,’ there’s more detail in it andtypically happens at a younger age. Eighteen for most of us, some make it to nineteen or twenty. Never this late.”

Me, a late bloomer?

That sounded about right considering more often than not, I was late for just about everything.

“Hitting Nephilim puberty at twenty-three, pretty on brand for you, huh?” Seth cracked a smile, practically reading my mind.

I reached over to the coffee table and grabbed my cup, my coffee now ice cold. Seth went further into detail, explaining our capabilities and histories of the battles between Nephilim and Demons. I slowly sipped while I listened, absorbing everything I could while I kept my growing irritation at bay. Apparently, I’d experience increased strength, hearing, vision, immortality— unless I ended up being killed by one of the Demons—and maybe even some type of additional power mumbo-jumbo. Which apparently was different for each Nephilim.

Seth said he had the added ability of memory manipulation, meaning he could manipulate the memories of others.

If I have added abilities, I’ll be alone in it. Alone in figuring things out. Again.

Suck it up, Erin. Seth left you in the dark about all of this until now. You’ve been alone the entire time.

The strings in my chest tightened at the realization. I blinked back the wetness that threatened to spring free.

“With the memory thing, can you change any memory? How does it work?” I felt the panic well in my throat.

“Not really. I have to be near the person when a memory occurs to be able to manipulate and change it. It can make it kinda tricky depending on the situation.”

Okay, well,that’s good to know.

But he still kept this from me.

My best friend. The only family I have left. He kept me in the dark.

I inhaled through my nose to steady my runaway thoughts, my jaw clenched.

“Before you ask, no, I haven’t done it around you.” He looked at me, his eyes leveled with mine.

But how do I know that?

We sat in silence. Seth watched me while I mulled everything over and tried to make sense of it. If my dad was an Angel, why didn’t I know? Why didn’t he tell me before he left? And why didn’t I get a heads-up on all of this? I wanted to call Seth on his crap, tell him to stop screwing with me but I knew deep down, what he told me was the truth. My mind screamed at me but my gut begged me to believe the guy.

I wanted to hurl.

“There’s something else you need to know. Now that this is happening, it’s safer if you aren’t alone, at least not at first. These Demons, they can sense us out and find us. And until you’re strong enough, it’s safer for you to stay here.”

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