Page 37 of Ice Lord Incognito

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“About once a month, she brought me chocolate chip cookies. She knew I loved them, and Grannie never liked to bake. Grannie thought store-bought cookies were good enough, but they’re not. They can’t compete with thosemade with love.”

“Maybe she’ll change her mind.”

“I doubt it, but I’m going to make sure she knows I love her and that I respect her wishes. That I’ll miss her.” Tears started trickling down my cheeks.

He scooped me up in his arms, settling me on his lap. “I’m sorry. It’s always hard to lose someone you love.” Sitting back on his recliner, he stretched out his legs.

“You haven’t shared much about your family.” I needed to stop going over this in my mind. One stressor had been piled on top of another, and I didn’t want to be sobbing when I went back inside. That would upset Grannie, and she’d never been one to find sympathy for someone in tears. “You mentioned your brother. Do you have other siblings? I was an only child.”

“I just have the one brother, Thad. He’s older than me by eight years. We weren’t close growing up. I think he resented having a new baby take his place.”

“That’s sad. I can’t imagine how wonderful it would be to have a brother or sister to play with. To talk with as you grow up together. I had my mom who was often as stilted as Grannie, but she worked two jobs to support us after my dad left her. And when she got home, she was tired. She’d loved me; I knew that. But life was tough for us. When Mom died, Grannie took over my care. I’d stayed with her during school vacations and a few weeks each summer, but she wasn’t used to having a child running around all the time. She encouraged me to have friends over, but that couldn’t replace a sibling.”

“I’m sorry.”


“Because it sounds like you’ve had a sad life. I only want the best for you.”

Was that him? I was beginning to suspect my life would be full of sunshine and happiness if we found a way to be together.

“Would you like to take a walk on the beach?” he asked. “You said you enjoy them.”

“Sure. Let me go tell Grannie where we’re going and make sure everything’s set up for her to settle for the night.”

We got up and he followed me inside.

“Is the evening over?” Grannie asked, setting aside her knitting and turning off the TV. Her show must’ve finished.

“We’re going to take a walk on the beach,” I said. “I wanted to say goodnight and make sure everything’s ready in case I’m not back before you go to bed.”

“You go on.” Her smile rose as it slid from me to Elrik. “Have a nice walk. I love seeing you with a nice young male like Elrik. He’s responsible. Respectful. And such a gentleman.”

My face heated but I shot him a grin. “He is pretty sweet.”

She nodded. “That he is.”

I went to her bathroom and set out the things for her dentures, plus her mouthwash and the pills she took before bed each night. Since her vision wasn’t what it used to be, I filled her medication set each week for her.

I got her a new water glass and placed it on the sink. Inside her bedroom, I turned down her blankets and laid out a clean nightie. I also shut off the lamp, leaving onlythe nightlight glowing in the corner, just the way she liked it.

When I stepped into the living room, I paused, watching Elrik sitting next to Grannie, admiring the mittens she’d already made. She must’ve pointed out the basket full of them sitting near her side table.

While he went through them, admiring the colors and the tight knit, she was outlining his hand on a piece of paper. She’d be crafting ice lord mittens within a week, and if I knew Grannie, she’d insist Katar come over so she could create a pattern for mittens that would fit an orc. He’d receive at least one pair for Christmas.

“I’m almost finished,” Grannie Rose said, shooting me a smile. “There.” She held up her pencil. “I appreciate it, Elrik.”

“Of course.” Before he stood, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I hope you sleep well.” Rising, he went around the house, checking all the windows and the front door, making sure they were locked. He came over after to stand behind me, his warm hand on my shoulder.

“I can handle everything else, dear.” Grannie held up a book entitledEnticed by an Alien Warlord. “I’m reading an alien romance tonight.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I can’t wait to get to the steamy parts.”

Once again, my grandmother surprised me. Did her friends know she read alien romance? I doubted it.

We left, making sure the back door was locked behind us.

“The beach isn’t far.” I waved in that direction. We were close enough we could hear the crash of the waves on the shore and smell the salty brine in the air. “It’s quietat night. All the tourists have gone to bed or settled inside their rentals, though you probably know that already.”

“You heard I own a place on the water.”

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