Page 13 of Ice Lord Incognito

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“Your grandmother is amazing,” I said as she drove back through town. “She’s also cute.”

“She is.” Melly shot me a smile. She pulled into the lot across from Monsters, PI, and parked. After unbuckling, she turned to face me. “Thank you for being patient with her. I hope you learned a few things that could lead to clues.”

I tapped the pad of paper I’d placed on my lap. “I have suspects already. Are you free tomorrow to go with me to question some of them?”

She frowned. “I’m working, of course. New business and all that. But I imagine Carla could cover for a few hours in the morning. We’re busier after lunch.”

“Carla, the widow who married the much older man and then inherited all his wealth?”

“Yup, that’s the one. Would you believe she was my babysitter when I was young? Grannie had her come stay with me after school and before Grannie got home from work until I turned fourteen. Then I convinced Grannie I was safe enough at home alone with the doors locked.Carla and I used to watch a lot of TV.” Her lips squished together before she spoke. “She was a college student back then. I’m twenty-eight, and she’s nine years older than me.”

“And now she works with you at Creature Cones.” Which was a few doors down from Monsters, PI. I’d noted it once or twice but hadn’t stopped in for ice cream yet. Actually, I also realized Hazel’s studio, Boogey Beasts, was right next to Creature Cones. I hadn’t realized Boogey Beasts taught pole dancing. I’d seen kids in sparkling costumes coming and going and assumed the owner only taught dance.

“Carla doesn’t need to work,” Melly said. “A month ago, she stopped by for ice cream, and we reconnected. She said she was bored. I said I needed help, and she offered. I hired her on the spot. She works from ten until four, and she’s off Monday and Tuesday.”

“I’ll interview her first, then. Is it okay if I come in early enough tomorrow to ask her a few questions before she has to cover for you?”

“I think that’ll work well.” She placed her hand on my arm. My skin twitched and suddenly warmed from her palm, but it was hot in the car sitting in the sun. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Grannie Rose is not going to jail.” I gave her a sharp nod. “I promise.”



The next morning, I was finishing setting up the cute, white-painted cast iron tables and chairs in front of Creature Cones when I spied Elrik striding across the street from the parking lot. Sunlight hit his dark hair just right, making it rival the wings of a raven soaring across a moonlit sky.

“Hottie alert,” Carla breathed from beside me.

I’d explained that Elrik was coming by today.

Carla watched Elrik approach with a slight curl of her lips. “Thisis the investigator helping you with Grannie’s case? If so, I take it back. I’m not irritated that he wants to question me any longer. In fact, maybe he and I could go get coffee or take a drive along the coast. While he’s questioning me, that is. I promise.” She flashed me a mischievous smile. “I won’t be gonetoolong.”

“He’s not interested in a relationship,” I barked before lowering my voice. “That’s the impression I get, that is.” There was no way I was going to share what he told me about his ex.

“Maybe he can be persuaded to change his mind.” As he strode down the sidewalk, she sauntered toward him, her hips swaying and her long red hair swaying across her back. When he’d nearly reached her, she held out her hand. “I’m Carla Whitten.” Her voice came out smooth, yet breathy in a way only Carla could pull off. I envied the ability and assumed this was the voice that had roped in Walter. “I understand you’d like to . . . talk with me?”

“Yes, I would.” As his fingers touched hers, his gaze sought mine, and I swore it softened when he found me. Or the sunlight hit them just right, and I was mistaken. His hand dropped to his side. “Why don’t we go inside? This won’t take long.” He eased around her.

“I’m happy to help in any way I can.” She stared at his backside before grinning at me and sashaying after him.

He paused by me. “Good morning, Melly. Nice to see you.”

There was nothing better than the drawl of a hot ice lord.

“Morning,” I croaked. My face overheated. This wasn’t a competition, but couldn’t I just once sound sultry when I wanted to instead of coming across like a frog lounging on the muddy bank of the river?

He gave me a full smile that made everything inside me slide away like an avalanche tumbling down a hillside. When I nearly toppled against the brick front of Creature Cones, his hand snapped out to hold me steady. “Careful there. Did you trip?”

Only my heart. “I think so.”

Carla watched us from inside, her lips thinning. “I thought you had questions for me,Investigator.”

“Oh, I do,” he said. “Have a seat. I’ll be with you shortly.”

With a huff, she banged the front door closed and moved across the room.

A group of eight people, a mix of humans and monsters and of various ages, smiled as they passed us, going inside for ice cream. Carla would handle them until I could join her. I wanted to spend a few seconds with Elrik.

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