Page 39 of Devil's Sinner

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I wanted to fucking hurt her. I forced a smile on my lips instead and went on calmly. "It would be best if you gave her up now, before things get ugly."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She waved her hand dismissively. "I thought you were here to visit me, Devlin, not accuse me of ridiculous schemes. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"I don't think so." My voice was nothing but a hiss by then, and we got up from our seats at the same time, staring at one another with contempt. "I'm not leaving until I have Violet."

"It's really sad, Devlin," my mother shook her head. "How fast you've managed to forget about your loyalties. You're so much like your father. Always have been. Perhaps that's why I could never love you."

The words hurt, cutting deep like knife wounds against my flesh. But I didn't give a shit about her accusations, and I clicked my fingers. The room filled with my men who'd sneaked into the house while I distracted my mother. She paled as she watched them enter, my father standing center stage.

Her lip curled back in distaste when she saw him, and her words dripped with contempt when she muttered, "You."

"Did you miss me, darling?" My father's voice was sarcastic and he nodded at mother. "What a nice little family reunion we're having here. So good to be back together. Almost feels like old times, doesn't it, Winter?"

"I want you out of my house," she hissed. "Guards!"

"Oh, I think you'll find your guards are a little... indisposed at the moment." Father smirked at her, motioning to our own men. "But we'll write them off as casualties. We only killed the ones that wouldn’t give up.."

She paled more at this update, and glared at me, as if I was to blame for the whole situation—not her hidden psychotic tendencies. "How can you do this to me, Devlin? Your own mother?"

"You just told me you never loved me," I spat out. "You really think I'm going to have mercy for the bitch who imprisoned the woman I..."

My sentence was left unfinished, hanging in the charged air between us. Mother kept glancing between me and father, and I'd finally had enough. In two quick steps, grabbing her firmly by the forearm. "You're going to tell us where the girl is. Tell us right now, and you won't get hurt."

She glared at me, and I could see her cold blue eyes calculating how she was going to get out of this mess. "I'll take you to her. I swear. Just let go of me, and I'll show you where she is."

Finally, she was admitting to something. I felt my grip tighten on her arm before I pulled back, giving her a nod and motioning for the guards to follow. Resigned to her fate, my mother led us down the hallway, taking long, slow steps.

Just as we walked through the hallway, a figure appeared in front of us.

"Freeze!" one of my guys, called out, but the figure didn't obey. He closed the door behind him, glancing over his shoulder and paling when he saw us coming.

"Peterson," I ground out. "Get him."

"Run, Connor!" my mother screamed, and the bastard broke into a run.

"Shoot!" I demanded.

Two gunshots sounded out in the room just as Peterson disappeared behind the corner. I took off in a run, and had almost reached him when I heard the faintest sound of a whimper behind the door the piece of shit had left ajar.


My Violet.

Suddenly none of it mattered—not my mother's betrayal, not that sick son of a bitch, Connor. All I cared about was my princess, and I felt blood rushing through my body as I threw the door to the room open, eyes widening at the scene before me. "Princess!"

"D-Devlin?" she stuttered and our eyes connected across the room. She was bound in rope, her frail body naked, save for the rope that held her in place, her arms neatly and firmly forced behind her back. I felt rage flowing through my body, seeping out of every pore as I watched her struggle in her restraints.

I was next to her in seconds, using my pocket knife to saw through the jagged rope that held her in place until I spotted a scalpel on the floor. I grabbed it and quickly made short work of her restraints. Violet began to cry, soft, muffled moans escaping her parted lips as she repeated my name over and over again like a mantra.

"Devlin, I knew you’d come for me.”

I cut her down, gathering her small, pale body in my hands and turning her over in my embrace to make sure she was okay. Her wrists were bandaged. I assumed she had some form of medical attention. My eyes were drawn to the marks on her body--bruises--welts--obvious signs she had been abused. My blood boiled and I mentally swore toendthat sick Peterson when I got my hands on him.

In the background, there was the sound of more gunshots and screams, but none of it mattered. My own hammering heart reminded me I had everything I needed right there, in my arms. My princess. My Violet.

We were alone in the room save for one guard who was watching us, and I didn't hesitate a moment longer. I grabbed Violet, holding her body in my arms and exiting the room. "Where the fuck are they?"


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