Page 68 of Merry Mended Hearts

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“We were young. I moved to work on a ranch just out of high school, and then she and I married a few years later. About three years ago now. And Grace?”


His fingers found my hand again. He pressed his palm to mine, wove our fingers together once more, and lifted my hand to his lips.

My heart wedged in my throat. I could only stare at his espresso eyes peeking over our joined hands. I could only revel in the feel of his lips against my skin.

“Junie has tried getting me to date, but you’re the first woman I’ve really even touched since I lost my wife.”

He lowered our hands, keeping mine in his.

Time dispelled. Heat from his touch expanded in my chest and gave my heart a few extra beats. More like ten-thousand extra. My breathing quickened, trying to keep up.

“I’m honored,” I said. To be touched by a man like Boone was something to be cherished.

The pieces of his erratic behavior began to make sense. I could understand why this time of year was so hard for him, and why he’d been so on edge. It sounded like he didn’t give his affection lightly.

What was it about me that made him want to give in now?

He angled his body toward me. His hand roved to my neck, cradling my face.

“What about you?” he asked, keeping his mouth close to my ear. “You said you’ve never been married?”

I shivered. “No. I don’t date much. I don’t meet many guys while being boxed in at that call center. I just sit at a desk and talk to stranger who want to buy stuff our company offers or who have problems with their products.”

It felt so ludicrous talking about something so mundane when he was holding me like this. But I couldn’t seem to stop prattling.

“Have you ever thought of leaving?” he asked. “Of doing something else?”

“I…want to.” Saying the word ‘want’ while he was this close was unraveling. My prattling went on since I couldn’t seem to manage anything else. “I know a lot of authors don’t make a living off their books, but some do. I intend to be one of them.”

Boone moved away, but the desire burning in his eyes was no better than the muddling proximity of his cheek against my temple had been.

His attention was fully on me. With the care used for handling delicate things, he brushed a hair away from my face, sending another shiver down my spine.

“And the guy your mom was trying to set you up with? You don’t regret not meeting him?”

My lids fluttered. Why was he asking this when he was looking at me like that?

“I’m not a fan of blind dates,” I managed to say, though my voice was breathy.

He inched in. “So you aren’t with anyone?”

The room grew darker from the fading firelight. Boone’s head tilted. His eyes flicked to my mouth.

“No,” I breathed.

“Then you won’t mind if I kiss you?” His lids half-lowered. The gleam in his eyes turned sultry and ravenous all at once.

My fingertips tingled. I couldn’t speak. My gaze was trapped in his.

My lips parted, allowing breath passage. I hoped that was answer enough—I couldn’t manage more than that.

Boone took it. His hand slid to my jaw, and he guided my chin upward just enough.

I pounded inside with anticipation. Worry and want warred within me. I worried I’d be no good at this. I wanted him so badly I could hardly process a single thought.

With slow deliberation, I let my lids close completely, giving him my wordless acceptance.

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