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“I’m boring,” Easton laughed. “I was born in Harmony Haven, raised in Harmony Haven, and now work in Harmony Haven.”

“Your parents still live here?”

He grimaced a little and shook his head. “They passed away when I was younger. My grandparents raised me and my brothers.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, hating that I almost spoiled the mood. Thankfully, he didn’t let it change anything. He playfully nudged me and laughed, letting me know it was all good.

“Anything else we need to get?”

“Before I get a few groceries, I want to grab a book.”

“A book? What does Jessica Olsen like to read?”

I couldn’t help but blush a little, even though I didn’t feel the need to lie. “Romance. Happily ever after.”

“Ohhhh,” he nodded. “Like where they get stranded in the snow and have to share a bed? Then they keep each other warm?” His eyebrows waggled, and I burst into laughter.

“Have you read one of those?”

“Grams used to keep those red romance books in her closet. Every once in a while, I’d sneak one and read it.” My hands covered my mouth; the threat of causing a scene with how hard I was laughing was real. We turned onto the book aisle just as Easton shrugged and winked. “Hey, when I was twelve, it was like having a Playboy in my hand.”

If he thought those were hot, he wouldn’t be able to handle the things I read. But the explosion of heat was what made them so good.

It took me a few more minutes, but I was finally able to stop laughing. Although I wasn’t even sure if his confession was true, I felt less self-conscious as I looked around for something new to read.

Meanwhile, Easton took Max down the aisle to the kids’ books where they were trying to decide on a book they both wanted to read. It was endearing, and I was too distracted watching them to read any descriptions of the books I was grabbing. There was no telling what I was about to read as I tossed a black book with skulls on the front into the cart.

“Find one, Mama?” Easton nodded at the cart.

“Find one?” Maxed asked as well.

“I just grabbed whatever,” I confessed, meeting them down on their end of the aisle.

“What if you don’t like it?”

“Then I just don’t like it,” I smiled. “It’ll be okay. Besides, as long as there is no third act breakup, I’ll probably love it.”

“Third act break up?” He asked, raising one eyebrow in confusion.

“You know, where they are snowed in, share a bed, find love, and then you think the book is going to end. But then the snow melts and they break up for some dumb reason before finally getting back together?”

“Huh,” he smirked. “I must have skipped those chapters.”

All I could do was shake my head and smile. There was something so easy and captivating about him. He made me feel both excited and calm at the same time, and he had been making me laugh more than I could ever remember.

“Well,” Easton stood from the squat he had been in and held up a book called,96 facts about Taylor Swift. “We want this one.”

“Are you a Swiftie?”

“Not particularly,” Easton laughed. “But it's the only one Max and I could agree on.”

I looked down at Max, who was jumping next to Easton and trying to grab the book from his hand. “Stars.”

“We both love the stars on the front,” Easton explained, then gave Max the book. “They’re yellow.”

Sure, that was the reason,I snickered to myself.

Rubbing his hands together, Easton looked around and then back at me. “Where to next?”

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