Page 87 of The Way We Dance

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It had been four weeks since Ty and I reconnected.

We fit seamlessly into each other’s lives without any pressure or effort. Like being together was the way it had always been and the way it would always be.

Not just behind closed doors, but in every aspect of our lives.

I even went to his games when they were at home in Atlanta. Ty made sure I had a suite and I was able to invite whoever I wanted. Naturally, Sam and Mrs. Watson came along a few times. Mr. Watson, who worked so hard I barely knew him, even said he would come the next time we went.

For now, we were two nights away from Ty having to leave for an away game with the team again and I was already hating being apart from him again. Other than when I was helping my mom teach, and he was in practice, we were together.

Even in bed, at night, we spent most of the time sleeping in each other’s arms at his place. Ty was too intimidated by my mom to stay at my place very often so we only did that on nights we were at Brisé late.

Though Mr. Peyton was no longer paying for Ty’s dance lessons, we still spent time after the late classes dancing. Mom would go home and Ty and I would carefully ease my leg back into motions I was scared I had lost forever.

The doctor had cleared me for full range and I was going to physical therapy during the day, but nothing beat dancing in my studio. Especially with my man.

I couldn’t get him to don the tights again but he no longer shied away from practicing ballet moves. He even told the media he attributed his newfound ball playing skills to ballet dancing with his girlfriend. When I was back to full speed, Mr. Peyton had already lined up another player for me to help, Lawrence Anders.

Ty threatened poor Lawrence behind his back, telling me he would kick his ass if he so much as looked at me wrong. He meant it too, and Mr. Peyton warned him that he would be traded or benched if he started shit for no reason. I would say it bothered me a little, but it didn't. It felt good being loved to the point of madness. To know that someone loved me so fiercely that they would risk everything they had worked so hard for to keep me theirs.

“What ya thinking about?” Ty asked has his hand roamed up my arm and to my shoulders.

“Us,” I said simply. We were in his bed and it was late, but since he was leaving tomorrow, we were acting like kids and trying to stay awake so that the time went by slowly.

“Good stuff?”

“It’s all good stuff,” I smiled. “But I need to be thinking about that recital. The theater is still giving me problems. I swear I am booking a traditional theater for next year as soon as tomorrow.”

“Even after your mom and I both announced that we would be in the damn show?”

“Apparently you two are not big enough to be considered the level of celebrity they thought I promised.”

“The fuck? Should I be offended? Because I am.”

I nudged him and laughed, “Maybe.”

“What about if we sold tickets to the football team? I bet every motherfucker would pay a lot of money to see me in tights.”

“You would do that?” I raised up and looked at him with excitement in my eyes.

“Make a fool out of myself in front of my teammates to ensure that the theater laid off your back and the kids had a great show? Yeah I would.”

“What about football?”

“It’s a Thursday, we will have practice that afternoon and then the guys can go to the show.”

I leaned down and kissed him hard, desire sparking at the contact that I knew would lead to us making love once again. This was another example of what Ty was willing to do, who he was willing to be, to make me happy. He told me every day that he loved me but it was in his actions and ideas that showed me how truly loved I was.

* * *

We had fallenasleep sometime after midnight. We tried staying awake but we weren’t actually the teenagers we tried to be. We were adults that worked each other over and spent all the energy we had making each other come.

It was the best part of being an adult and dipping into a deep sleep was worth it.

In the middle of the night, I was startled awake. I sat up and looked around, searching for anything that could have woken me up. Ty was still asleep next to me and didn’t seem to hear anything.

A few minutes more and nothing was there, but my bladder was screaming at me so I got up to use the restroom. I didn't bother with closing the door or turning on the light. We weren’t that far in our relationship but with Ty being passed out, why bother?

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