Page 61 of The Way We Dance

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The last quarter flew by without Ty seeing much playing time. That meant he was standing in the same position for a solid thirty minutes and if it weren't for the fireworks, I wouldn't have realized the game was over.

I took the pass Ty had left me and hung it around my neck, making my way up the steps to the lobby of the section we were in. He had told me there was an elevator I could take that opened up directly into the waiting area so I headed to the only one I saw close by.

Flashing my pass for good measure, I followed a few others into the elevator and let the operator hit the buttons to take us down.

There was a couple standing in the opposite corner as I was and I overheard the woman say, "I cannot wait to kiss Cam's face. I hate watching him get hit all night." Which seemed odd because her arms were wrapped around the other guy like they were the ones that did the kissing.

I assumed the Cam she was speaking of was the quarterback since they were headed in the same direction I was. That thought was confirmed with the man's following statement and it peaked my intrigue even more.

"Go easy on him baby, he took a few hits tonight," the guy said to her and kissed the top of her head.

"Jets need a better left guard," she huffed, causing the man to laugh.

The doors to the elevator opened and the man motioned for me to go out first. I didn't really know where I was going but thankfully, as I exited, there was a sign that led me to the right and a bunch of people waiting around, chatting.

The couple followed me out and was instantly surrounded by others when they entered the room. Meanwhile, I stood alone, trying to look like I knew what I was doing.

Every so often, someone would come out of the double doors to our left and shake a few hands before exiting the glass doors to our right. The men coming from the double doors were huge, with major muscles, and expensive looking clothes. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize they were players.

Feeling a bit off kilter, I grabbed my phone and started fumbling through random things. As I did so, a quick thought popped into my head.

GOOGLE: Cam Nichols' Girlfriend

Sure enough, the woman I saw in the elevator was pictured with Cam and the other guy I saw, whose name was Kace Jackson. I read further and found out he was a baseball player here in Atlanta. It wasn't confirmed, but the headlines indicated she was in a relationship with both of them.

"Holy shit," I mumbled.

"Right?" I heard over my shoulder.

At the risk of being embarrassed, I jumped and my phone went flying from my hands onto the floor. Ty was laughing and chasing my phone as I stood there with my hands over my mouth to hide my scream.

"Damn, Miss Priss," Ty said as he handed me my phone. "Did I scare you?"

I was nodding with what I was sure was a horrified expression. He clearly saw what I was looking up and to say I was mortified was an understatement.

Ty took pity on me and laughed a little as he pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry, we have all googled that shit. They are interesting, for sure."

His words instantly eased a little bit of the tension I felt and I rubbed my face into his shirt. He smelled clean, freshly showered and a hint of something fragrant—black leather, Cardamom, Patchouli? Whatever it was, it appealed to me on another level and I inhaled as I continued to hide my face.

"I rode down in the elevator with them and got curious," I admitted.

"You aren't the only one, I promise."

I looked up and smiled at him, still holding on to his shirt. At that moment, I felt like we were a couple ourselves. I had just watched my man play and was meeting him after the game. In a sense, that was exactly what this was, but if I wanted to dissect it further, this was just a means to sex for us.

Still, as if we were a real couple, Ty leaned in and kissed my nose before pulling away and taking my hand. He started leading me to the glass doors that everyone else was leaving through but we were stopped a few times.

"Who is this?" A woman with red hair and porcelain skin asked.

"This is Giselle. Giselle? This is Amanda."

She surveyed me up and down as she shook my hand. "What are you two?"

I started to say that we were just friends, but Ty beat me to it, "This is my girl."

Amanda's eyebrows raised up and she smirked at Ty, "Wow."

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