Page 34 of The Love We Make

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I hung up and with my reminded resolve, I melted into the excitement Madison was exuding.

“How badass is it that I am hanging out with the starting pitcher of the All-star game?”

I smirked and shook my head. Madison was my biggest fan but never a fangirl. She was never too impressed by my major league status. So seeing this side of her did something to me. She was both proud and in awe and I puffed my chest a little knowing I was doing that to her now.

“Pretty badass,” I added with no humility. I leaned back in the luxury car and spread my left arm over the top of the seats. My hand reached Madison’s hair and I instinctively started running my fingers through it.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, “That feels good.”

A shiver ran down my spine at her words. In the last several days, I had let myself start imagining what it was going to be like being with Madison.

Being someone’s first.

Her first.

I didn’t know what kind of lover she was. Hell, she didn’t even know what kind of lover she was. But I had imagined her being a moaner.



And those thoughts sent me into constant overdrive. I had never had this much time to imagine and plan what it would be like having sex with someone. I had never looked at a woman and knew I would be inside of her in the coming weeks. I had never had time to think about her tells and her needs.

I wondered if she thought the same thing.

Did she have expectations? Did she think I was a pro at sex? Did she think I was even up to the task?

A part of me wondered if she even doubted I could bring her to an orgasm. She had mentioned that she read somewhere that first times sucked and usually ended with no orgasm for the woman. It was one of the reasons she wanted it out of the way.

But I wasn’t going to be that cliché. She chose me to pop her cherry and although she probably didn’t expect much, I took it as a challenge. I wanted to be the exception to whatever rules she had read about and make her think twice about using me just for a fuckingpoke.

I adjusted myself discreetly in the car and pulled my hand away. The more time went on, the easier my dick got hard just by looking at her.

The approach of the airport caught her attention before she caught me. She began bouncing in her seat, once again too excited to stay still. She was the perfect person to bring with me. No one would be more fun or more excited than Madison Scott.

The whole plane ride, she chatted with an older woman across the aisle in first class. Everything that came out of her mouth was positive, praise, and excitement. When she was happy, there was not a single negative bone in Madison’s body. My heart pinched a little hoping she always stayed so real and wholesome.


Once we got checked into the hotel and were briefed by the league on everything to expect during the next two days, we finally made our way to the restaurant to meet up with my teammates.

New York was wild on a good day, but when all of baseball’s top players were in town, it was almost unmanageable. Somehow, we made our way past a feral group of people, into the restaurant, and into a dark room that we had reserved for privacy.

Madison had already met everyone before, except for Mitch’s new friend—who was new to all of us—so conversation flowed easily. Especially between Madison and Ali, who had sat together a few times at baseball games.

“Oh, Becca told me that you were going to help Chase with his charity golf tournament,” Ali said excitedly. “I will be there helping, too!”

“I will be, yes. It sounded like fun and such a great cause,” Madison added. Becca was Ali's best friend, and Becca and Chase were practically married. So it didn’t come as a shock that Ali knew the scoop.

I wondered for a minute if she knew how crazy I was and about my stalker tendencies, but I kept my mouth shut.

“Maybe we can all do dinner afterward.”

“I would love that,” Madison exclaimed.

The conversation stayed pretty much in that same realm the rest of the night until it was time to head back to the hotel. Since the crowds outside hadn’t died down, we were all asked to leave at separate times to avoid a mob.

I called our car service and asked him to meet us at the door. We were going second. Mitch and his date were going first. Kace and Ali were all over the media because of the dynamics of their relationship, which included the Atlanta Jets quarterback, Cam Nichols. So they were going last since they were most likely to cause an incident.

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