Page 14 of The Love We Make

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But I had to admit, Chase had a point. Having Ethan on a leash for a favor would be fun. I also had a point, Chase would figure it out regardless. Maybe I could strike up a deal with him.

“678, 10 pm. You come in, take a few candid pics that aren’t really candid because I will know you’re taking them. Send them to Ethan throughout the night so he thinks you’ve been there the whole time.”

“You want me to lie?” He asked incredulously. “I don’t lie.”

Yeah right.

“Yep,” I said as I walked away.

“If I lie, do you promise to stay a virgin?” He yelled toward my back, making me cringe in embarrassment on the busy Atlanta sidewalk.

Maybe I should lie. Maybe I should placate his concern.

But I was dumb and didn’t.



One nap, two ibuprofens, and a hot shower later, I finally felt like I could tackle the night. I was primped and pieced together as well as I got. My hair fell down my back in waves, my tight skirt was just the right length, and my heels said, “classy, not trashy.”

I had watched the Kings game while I got ready. Ethan didn’t play but they interviewed him in the dugout during the 5th inning. Among several questions about his game yesterday, he was asked about his chances of becoming a first-time All-star. To which he responded, “I’m not anticipating an invite, but it would be cool to throw an inning in a game like that.”

He looked so sexy with his hat on backward and the TV headphones on his ears. His smile was youthful and lively. He looked cocky, untouchable. I sometimes forgot that he was such a big deal. That he had the world at his feet. That most women would kill to have him sneaking into their rooms at night.

But I wasn’t the world.

I was Madison Scott, and all I could think of when I saw his sexy face was, “The world has no idea how crazy he really is.”

And yeah, I knew he was sexy. I wasn’t obtuse. But I also knew he slept with a stuffed bear until he was 17 and put a lizard in his pants when he was 11 because it “felt cool.”

I also knew that he was the same man that somehow conned Chase-freaking-Turner into following me around just because he was scared I would lose my virginity in some polluted manner that didn’t align with the wayhethought things should be.


“You seem a tad pissy, did you not get that nap in?” Kristin asked, drawing my attention to her and our two other friends, Sarah and Tiffany. We had made it to 678 right at 10 pm, grabbed a high-top table, and ordered drinks.

Since then, I had been on the hunt for Chase.

“Yeah, I did,” I replied. “Just mad at Ethan.”

“What did he do?” Sarah asked.

I hadn’t exactly told them he had been intentionally cockblocking me. Mostly because there was no cock to block. I hadn’t been out with anyone in weeks.

I also felt compelled tonotmake Ethan a villain in their eyes. They wouldn’t understand him. They would demonize him and I would be stuck in the middle.

But that was then, and now I was getting angrier.

More unsettled.

More annoyed.

“He seems to have taken on the role of being my daddy. Overprotective. All up in my business. Questioning me about every little thing I do.” I left it at that. For now.

“Ah, ok,” was their only reply.


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