Page 57 of Javier

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“Well, I’m a woman.” I squared my shoulders. “Anadultwoman who also has needs. We’re staying in the honeymoon suite.” I lifted my hands in the air. “Do you get where I’m going with this?”

“We’renotgoing there and that’s final.” He looked up at the sky then scrubbed his face. “The kiss was a mistake.Mymistake, not yours.”


“You’re tired and I’ve got work to do.” He took charge. “Take a shower. I’ll send up some clothing and essentials from the hotel’s boutique for you, and order you some food as well. Eat, go to sleep, and forget this ever happened. That’s an order. You got me?”

“That’s notoneorder.” I didn’t bother to hide my irritation. “That’sfourorders. Are you going to tell me how to brush my teeth and wipe my ass, too?”

“Missy!” He widened his gaze. “This is so below you.”

“Yeah, because I’m so f-f-f—” I forced myself to start again and say the word out loud. “Because I’m so fucking angelic that you won’t kiss me anymore?”

He pointed his finger straight at me. “I ordered you to forget the kiss.”

I studied my nails. “I guess this means you won’t screw me, either.”

His head snapped up and shock widened his eyes. “What did you say?”

“What you heard.” I was sick and tired of being toldwhat to do, of living in a box, labeled, corralled, and repressed, of being a “good girl.” I was really mad, too. Nobody enjoyed rejection. I had a right to be angry, to speak up as I had never done before. “I think it’s safe to assume you’re not going to hook up with me, bang me, fuck me, whatever you want to call it.”

His jaw dropped. “You want me to fuck you?”

“Or maybe I thoughtIcould fuckyou,” I retorted, unable to contain my fury. “For sure, I considered it as an option. I might not be a floozy… yet. But maybe I want to be. I thought you might even enjoy fucking me before I realized you’re revolted by me.”

“What? No!” His eyes almost popped out of his skull. “I’m not—”

“Bullshit.” I crossed my arms and glowered. “You don’t want to fuck me or be fucked by me, however the hell that goes. Fine. I’ll find my own fuck buddy.”

“You will do no such thing.” A vein popped in his forehead. “What would Sister Elsa say if she heard you saying shit like that and using such vulgar language?”

“You mean because I’m saying ‘fuck’ and ‘bullshit’ and ‘ass?’” I drew quotation signs in the air. “As in asshat? Jackass? Asshole? Feel free to pick all of the above.”

“Okay, all right.” He motioned with his hands. “Calm down.”

“Calm down?” Red flashes exploded before my eyes. “Maybe I don’t want to calm down, and I especially don’t wantyouto tellmewhat to do!”

After my precipitous fall from the greatest high to the lowest low, this sudden liberation of my repressed temper felt justified. Yes. I wanted justice. And respect. For my person. It was as if someone had opened up the sluice gates and rivers of wrath were gushing out of me.

“Angel?” he ventured. “I get it. This was a clusterfuck. Itwon’t happen again. I promise.”

I flashed a sarcastic smirk. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better… how?”

“You’re mad at me. It was a messy rescue, and now you have to wait around, and you have needs, and I’m so not the guy to help out with that—”

“So now you have the right to tell me how I should feel?”

“Enough!” he barked.

I jumped and felt the color leach out of my face.

“Sorry.” He lowered his voice and scrubbed his face. “I didn’t mean to shout at you.”

I swallowed a dry gulp and kept my mad face on, but for a second, I struggled with the memories that hit me, of my father, shouting, calling me names. I fisted my hands and held on, swallowing down bitter gulps of fear and rage.

“Missy.” Javier paused to take a calming breath. “I need to make sure you’re safe here. I can’t deal with you being mad at me right now. Or ever.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I purred, low and quiet, but with an edge in my voice.

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