Page 163 of Javier

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Matt scoffed. “Find the invisible man, and you can be ourcourier.”

“The most important question is how do we get Cece and Affie out of harm’s way?” I reminded everyone, the urgency rippling through me in waves of anxiety.

“We’re working around the clock to locate them,” Mina said.

“We’ll find them.” Javier whispered in my ear. “You’ll see, Angel. We’ll find them, before time runs out.”

Chapter Forty-three


I sat on the stuffed chair by the window, watching Missy walking the gardens with Thena, their arms linked. I would’ve gladly strolled the grounds with my Angel, but she’d decreed I should be resting. I felt better, and yet I went along with Missy’s wishes because pleasing her was my definition of joy, my new notion of happiness.

For a banjaxed fool, I was feeling mighty whole. The nuns prayed for me so hard that their God had probably granted me a dispensation, but only to stop them from annoying the hell out of Him. Missy had retrieved my soul from hell, bandaged it together, and tended to it as if it was her own. In her care, I could be a good man and my soul had hopes other than damnation.

I smiled at the sight of the two Astor sisters against the lake’s background. They ambled slowly, their heads together, one blond, the other red-haired as they talked, smiled, and laughed at times. Two sisters, separated for years, were now together again.

For once, I was proud of myself. I’d brought Missy to Thena, to the home where they belonged. Nix would be happy about that. I’d also found myself a home. The itinerant nomad I’d been since I left the Raiders was no longer lost. Nor was I devoid of purpose or direction. I belonged to a team now, a solid one, and Missy was my home. Wherever life took her, that’s where I was gonna be, walking right next to her, come hell or high water.

A knock came at the door and Dagger’s sober face peeked from behind the door. “All clear?”

“All clear, boss.” I waved him over. “I’m confined to quarters.”

“I heard about that.” Leaning on his cane, he ambled into the room, powerful and impeccably groomed as always.

I felt like a slacker in my ratty sweats, but hey, Missy loved the look and I was technically on sick leave. Omega planted his cane as he lowered himself into the chair across from mine, never allowing for a wince. For a moment, his dark eyes shifted around the space as he considered Missy’s room. “I remember it was pink and purple. I just didn’t remember how pink and purple it was.”

I barked a laugh. “She was a kid back then. Doesn’t bother me in the least.”

“She’s a grown woman now.” Dash looked out the window with a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. His lips curved up when his gaze fell on the women strolling the garden, his lover and my lover.

“They look happy,” he rumbled.

“They are.”

“Even if they’re still in danger,” he said. “Even if it’s just for this moment in time.”

“A moment I intend to expand into the rest of Missy’s life.”

His deep-set eyes fell on me. “You’ve come a long way, Guzman.”

“You don’t gotta remind me, boss.” I lifted the side of my mouth and shrugged. “I’m as shocked as you are.”

“Nix would be so proud of you, of her,” Dagger murmured. “You did good by him, Guzman. You did great.”

I swallowed a salty gulp.

Omega straightened on his seat. “I have something to say to you.”

“Hold on, boss.” I lifted my good hand in the air. “If it’s about that prank I played on Bozeman, let me explain—”

His eyebrows clashed over his nose. “What prank?”

“Never mind.” The boss didn’t have to know everything, did he? “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”

“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “I wanna thank you for saving my life.”

Holy Fuck. It wasn’t every day that a common ape got thanks from a legend like Omega. I was almost at a loss for words.

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