Page 161 of Javier

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“Girl, you’re a hoot.” Mina laughed some more before she sobered up. “Goddess was pining hard for you. She keeps mestocked with cheers and sweets. The least I could do was find her darling Missy.”

I smiled at the woman. “Thanks for being there for my sister when I wasn’t.”

“I do love a good family reunion.” She blinked tears from her eyes. “As to your warning about not sharing Javier, you can keep him. I’ve got my own hunk.” She swung an arm in the air. “And here he comes. Ta-dah!”

“Trev!” I cried out when he rolled up to me in his sleek wheelchair. “It’s so wonderful to see you. You look—”

“Hot as hell?” Mina interjected, plopping down on his lap. “Handsome as the devil? Gorgeous as a demigod? Well, yes, he’s all that and more. He’s also very mine.”

Laughing at Mina’s antics, I hugged Trevor Marks, one of my brother and Dash’s best friends. “I can’t believe you’re here. You look good, happy. Did this snarky lady do this to you?”

“She’s guilty as charged.” Trev let go of me and smiled at his adoring wife before he met my gaze again. “I’m so glad you’re back, Button Nose. You, too, Goof. I believe King has arranged a surprise for both of you.”

Javier cocked his eyebrows. “Not for nothing, but we’ve had enough surprises for a lifetime.”

“This one’s good.” Trev turned his wheelchair around.

“You’ll like it,” Kai assured us. “No reptiles. Ladies, if you please?”

Sister Janet and Sister Elsa stepped out into the light and waddled to us in their black habits. I squealed and met them halfway.

“Top of the wee hours of the morning to ye.” Sister Janet held me tight before she released me from her embrace and inspected me with her shrewd gaze. “Glad to see our wain’s doing well.”

“Bless your heart, Missy.” Sister Elsa found my feet withher cane and hugged me before we linked arms and returned to Javier’s side. “You all made it, praise the Lord.”

“Ye feckle lout.” Sister Janet wagged a stubby finger at Javier. “Ye gave us a fright, ye big oaf. Did ye think ye were St. Patrick driving out the serpents from Ireland? No more snakes fer ye, lad.”

“Believe me, sister.” Javier leaned forward in his chair and enveloped the little nun in his good arm. “I’m happy to be alive. Hell, I’m even happy to see you again, Cherry Tart.”

Sister Janet cackled and stepped aside to give Sister Elsa a turn at Javier. Reaching for both of our hands, she held them tightly. “I knew this pot and this lid went together.”

“I’m so happy to see you again,” I said, unable to wipe the smile from my face. “But what on earth are you two doing here?”

“I invited them,” Kai said, his face oddly closed.

“This house needs prayers.” Sister Janet grinned her crooked smile.

“We’re here to ensure you all get them,” Sister Elsa added. “We’ve made ourselves a nice little chapel over at the spa.”

“Well, maybe you can pray and get a massage at the same time,” Javier quipped.

When the laughter died down, Kai spoke. “I brought them here for their protection.”

“For their protection?” A frown tensed my forehead. “From who?” When no one answered my questions, the words just drifted out of my mouth. “The NWO and Xao Li. Am I right?”

The welcome party was over. Every face in the room turned somber. I’d thought the nuns would be safe once they were behind their convent’s walls. I’d been mistaken.

“Let’s regroup in the library,” Dash suggested. “Sisters, Sandy, Cook, thanks for this wonderful welcome. Please excuse us while we go to work.”

“Of course,” Sandy spoke for the lot. “We’ll be in the kitchen if you need us.”

Dash and Thena led us into the library. Judging by the sheer number of screens and laptops populating the place, the library had become Tracker Team’s headquarters.

When we were all seated around the conference table, Javier looked from Kai to Dash. “Did the NWO threaten the nuns?”

“They tried to kidnap them,” Kai said. “When they couldn’t, they resorted to terrorizing them.”

“They threatened them?” I asked, my voice faint.

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