Page 131 of Dash

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Chapter Thirty-seven


A puff of smoke rose from the back of Dash’s neck. The low frequency humming kept going, buzzing in my ears until his back lifted from the floor like an arched bridge and his face froze in a grimace of pain.

“Stop it!” I screamed at Drew. “Stop this, right now!”

Drew glowered at me. He had no intention of stopping, but then his tablet bleeped again and he let go of the button. Both he and Uncle Shit converged over the screen.

“Excellent,” Drew announced. “The automated defense system has been deactivated. Three minutes to go.”

My gaze flew to Dash. He’d collapsed at Drew’s feet, heaving. His chest rose and fell with his gasps. His muscles twitched at random. This time, he made no effort to get up.

“You’re animals,” I spat, filled with rage. “Both of you!”

“We are all animals. Your father. Me. Him.” Arthur nudged his chin toward Dash.

“You’re a killer,” I ground out. “A drug dealer, a human trafficker. You weren’t traveling in missions to help people. You were hiding behind your ministry, setting up your vile network. You killed Father!”

“I terrorized him first,” he clarified, as if this somehow increased his merits. “I led him on a global goose chase. Your old man was spooked. It was fun to watch. He never suspected little old me. On the day he died, my employer helped establish my alibis. He sent a look-alike to Haiti and made sure he was seen. No one knew I was in New York. After the board meeting, I stole into his office. The rest is now history.”

The hatred coating his words washed over me, stinging and burning like an acid bath.

“Did Father know what you were doing? Did he partner with you in your so-called ‘businesses?’” I held my breath.

“I kept my businesses under wraps.” He flashed a wily smile. “I was afraid he’d take them away from me, as he’d stolen everything else, before I took my vengeance.”

A sense of relief came over me. Father hadn’t been a saint by any means, but at least he hadn’t been entangled in his brother’s vile affairs. Reining in my galloping pulse and my fury, I didn’t have to guess. “You put the poison in my lipstick.”

“In a manner of speaking,” he said cryptically. “But then Dashiell showed up and I had to come up with a different plan.”

I had to know. “Was Father part of the NWO?”

Uncle’s irritated grin expanded. “He was.”

My stomach plummeted. I wanted to throw up.

“And then…” He shrugged. “He wasn’t.”

What the hell did he mean by that?

Before I could ask more questions, Drew’s tablet pinned again.

“It’s show time.” Drew smirked. “They’re on the move.”

Arthur joined Drew studying the tablet. My heart sprinted. I sat up straighter and squinted at the tablet. The first green dot began to blink. It indicated the crew had opened the front door. On the other side of the parking plaza, the second green dot flickered on the path to the front gates. As the third dot began to blink, the distinctive report of automatic fire rang in the night.

My breath hitched. “What’s happening?”

Drew grinned and tightened his hold on his carbine. Arthur tilted his head and cupped his ear. An explosion went off, followed by more. The house shook and the floor trembled beneath my shoes. More explosions, more rounds.

“You ambushed them!” I realized, unable to repress the sob that tore from my throat. “You said they would be safe andnow you’re killing them!”

“Shut up.” Drew pointed his weapon at me. “It won’t be long now.”

I dug my teeth in my lip and glanced at Dash. His head was down. His shoulders slumped, and yet I could feel the anger radiating from him. He’d worked so diligently to bring his team together. It was so hard to sit in this damn room and do nothing when our friends were under attack.

“This should go fast,” Arthur said.

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