Page 51 of Beyond the Rules

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My body was enveloped in a haze of need and lust, but Aiden’s words pierced through, adding layers to the powerful emotions jarring me. A month ago, if any other man would’ve said something like that to me, I would’ve assumed he was a player, laughed in his face and sent him to hell. But this was Aiden talking, and he had earned my trust with his patience, kindness andhonesty.

I had no idea how long I could be his woman, no true sense of what it entailed, no concept other than the vague hope he could realize his expectations in my body. I knew one day soon, I’d leave and he’d stay behind. But I wanted this. Whatever he was talking about, I wanted it. Call me greedy, but I wanted to hack Aiden’s happy, too. I wanted to be whatever heneeded.

I reached down and grabbed his wrist. Slowly, I pulled on his hands and watched his fingers withdraw from me, slick with my private oil. I spotted dread in the stark lines that deepened between his eyebrows, but also the glint that steeledhiseyes.

“I don’t know what being your woman means.” I was honest with him. “You might have to teach me. And I don’t know how long I’ll be around. But I want you, Aiden. So yes, I want to be yourwoman.”

The smile that curved his lips turned his irises whisky bright. I could get drunk just from watching the light in his eyes. I leaned back on my silk sling and, lifting up my knees, slowly widened the span betweenmylegs.

“I swear to you, Nina,” he said. “I will make it my life’s mission that you will never, everregretthis.”

My heart took flight as Aiden stepped between my legs and, caressing my pussy, perched his cockhead at my entrance. I was beyond aroused, frantic with need, and yet the moment felt supremely sweet andhallowed.

“Let me know if it’s too much,” hemurmured. “Okay?”

His first thrust filled me up completely. I looked down and saw I only had about a third of him in me. And yet the rugged ridge of his beam streaked across my pussy’s sensitive ceiling, and the crest of his cockhead parked in just the right place, and I didn’t know what was happening until it was too late, waytoolate…


He pressed directly on my G-spot and triggered a massive orgasm. I went from zero to a hundred in a second and crashed head on against a wall ofpleasure.

“Oh, fuck, baby, yeah.” Aiden stood above me, mouth strained, eyes burning, hands holding me firmly in place. His cock sat in my channel, intractable and rock hard as I squeezed around him. “Ride it, Nina,” he muttered between gritted teeth. “Go forit,baby.”

Even as I unraveled on his cock, I wanted to apologize or something. I usually lasted longer than this. But this was good, too good to waste in regrets. The pleasure was also uncontrollable. The silks slipped from my hands. My arms dropped and my head fell back. The room spun upside down and the sights flickered before my eyes. I hung there, quaking, while my body proved that Aiden’s cock—a third of it anyway—had been custom madeforme.

“I’ve never done this before,” I rasped weakly a few moments later. “Come this quick and hard?Never.”

“Well, then, I’m glad it happened with me.” Aiden smiled downonme.

His vital cock throbbed between my hyper-sensitized walls. He began to move again. His glides scored more pleasure points on my board. I groaned as he pushed more of his cockinme.

“We’ll go slow,” he murmured, wincing as he struggled for control. “Just relax, baby. You’ll get used to me innotime.”

Oh, yeah, I was sure about that. I was enjoying his strokes, pulsing with a new rush of need, relishing the bulk that stretched me, sending ripples of new and intense sensations to delightmybody.

“Fuck, Nina, you’re so warm and wet,” Aiden said, thumbing my clit. “It’s like I wanna climb in your pussy and live off the land in there. Wouldn’t go thirsty, that’sforsure.”

I found myself giggling at the notion, then gasped when Aiden rode the opportunity to spear himself fully inside of me. I loved the way his cock felt in me, powerful and solid. I’d never been so full before, so thoroughly and absolutely skewered. I gave thanks to a universe that had made Aiden andhiscock.

“Tanner’s right, baby. Your pussy is a pot of fuckingglory.”

I whimpered, a sound somewhere between a gasp and squeak, but his words registered through the fog. “You guys talk like thataboutme?”

“Yeah, we do.” Aiden leaned over and brushed his lips against mine. “I won’t lie. You’re our favorite subject. Your pussy is our second favorite subject. Don’t take it wrong or anything, but we wanna please you, and to do so, we need to shareintel.”

Maybe I should’ve been mad about the guys discussing my pussy behind my back, but then again, they were “sharing intel” for my benefit. In fact, the idea of them talking about me aroused me even more, or was it Aiden’s relentless thrusts driving mecrazy?

“Come on, Nina.” Aiden ground his hips and rubbed his balls against my ass. “Let’s leave the hornybehind.”

At that precise moment, another orgasm bolted through me and rendered me useless. I clutched the silks in a desperate attempt to ground myself to this earth. Not that it worked. When I was done, I was sprawled and listless on my improvised sling, panting, weak andsatiated.

“Tanner was right.” Aiden’s voice came from very far away. “You come so good, baby. Hell, you gave my cock the ride of a lifetime.” He lifted me from the silks and propped me down on my knees. “Now you need to finish what youstarted.”

I blinked the haze out of my eyes and stared at the sightbeforeme.

“Oh, well, hello, again.” I smiled as his dick reared beforemyface.

“For Christ’s sake, Nina.” Aidenrasped. “Suck.”

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