Page 41 of Beyond the Rules

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But it was a good day if my dick had met and exceeded operational standards and I was in the water. Sure, a couple of times the current pushed me back to the wall, but I rallied. I was determined to complete the workout, even if it killed me. So keep up I did, riding the wake of Aiden’s starboard like a utility tug flanking the Navy’s fastestbattleship.

My lungs ached with the effort and my body resisted every pull, but I remembered my training and embraced the suck, forcing my mind to focus elsewhere. I pumped my limbs in a demanding sequence, seeing the images of Nina flashing in my mind. There she was, lying on the bed, generous, gorgeous, unforgettable, her face flushed, her legs open, her body warm and moist, my personal highway toheaven.

She was medicine to my soul. She made me feel whole and healed, useful and wanted. She inspired me to get better by the hour. With each erotic memory of Nina, I grew stronger. I swam through the current with the same ferocious drive that had propelled my cock in herpussy.

Sometime around the sixty minute mark, spent, empty and satisfied, I stopped and, maneuvering out of the pool, went into the hot tub. My muscles screamed gratitude as the heat and jets hit me in all the right places. Ten minutes later, Zar joined me, followed by Aiden shortly after that. The grueling workout and the fact that we were all here in the middle of the night spoke loads about our mental state. True, none of us slept for more than three or four hours at a time, but we usually pretended until at least oh fourhundred.

I sank deeper in the water to give the jets a better angle on my lower back. “So are we gonna talk about itorwhat?”

“Man…” Aiden ripped off his goggles and wiped the water from his face. “You two kept me up allnight.”

I shrugged. “She’s not thequiettype.”

Zar’s lips twitched. “Wenoticed.”

“This is some serious shit she’s uncovered,” I remindedeverybody.

Zar scoffed. “You’re not fuckingkidding.”

“But we’ve got it, right?” Aiden twisted one arm over the other, stretching out his shoulders. “We’re gonna get thosefuckers.”

“You bet your ass we are,” Zar said. “Dimayev and Calamity aregoingdown.”

“She’s brilliant.” Aiden sank in the hot tub and grinned, his enthusiasm showing, a rare event. “Haven’t seen work like hers since…forever. I hate it that we have to keep her dark and out of the main fray. She’s lonely and she’shurting.”

I glanced at Aiden across the steam rising from the hot tub. He didn’t always speak his mind but, when it came to Nina, he was frankly insightful. This was big for him. This was big for allofus.

“Maybe we can make some more accommodations,” Isuggested.

“Is this your cock or your head talking?” Zar folded his leg and pressed the side of his knee into the jet stream. “If it’s your dick, I don’t wanna hear it. Hell, even if it’s your head talking, I’m not sure I wannahearit.”

“I’m not gonna deny that my dick’s in play,” I said. “And you guys shouldn’t pretend you aren’t eager to get in the game. She’s hot and there’s an awful lot of horny crammed into this house. It’s an operational consideration for sure, but it’s also a good indicator of our chances of success for the personalmission.”

“First we get Dimayev and Calamity,” Zar said. “Then we deal withtherest.”

“That’d be nice,” I said, “but if this is gonna happen, it won’t tick by your timetable. It’s gonna happen on Nina’s time and we should all be clearaboutthat.”

“Yeah,” Zar said in the wings of a resigned sigh. “You’re probablyright.”

I had to give it to Zar. He took the fact that Nina was in charge like a man. Not easy for a control freak like him. The rumble of the jets filled the silencebetweenus.

“What kind of accommodations?” hefinallysaid.

“I don’t know for sure yet,” I said. “I know you wanna keep her safe. I’m a hundred percent with youonthat.”

Aiden seconded me with a nod then surprised me with his next words. “She needs to code. She needs to hack something or someone. And she needs to be a full part of a team.Ourteam.”

I reminded myself that Aiden’s IQ was out of this world and that he had a lot in commonwithNina.

“Her lack of security clearance is a problem,”Zarsaid.

“Yes, but Aiden’s recs are right on,” I said, channeling the profiler in me. “In addition, she also needs time to get to know each one of us. She’s been through a lot. Her father bailed, her mother fell apart, her brother died. Her family disintegrated before her eyes and she thinks most men are liars andcheats.”

“Then we teach her that some men are honorable, trustable,” Aiden said and we botheyedZar.

“Hell, no, I’m not committing to celibacy.” Zar’s eyes glittered with alarm. “Face it, that’s what fidelity would mean for me, seeing as the chances she wants to fuck me arezilch.”

“Adapt and adjust,” I said. “That’s what SEALs do when the shit hitsthefan.”

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