Page 42 of Kipp

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‘Don’t mention it,’ Kipp chuckled. ‘But if you really want to show your appreciation I wouldn’t mind one of your specialty hot chocolates right now. It’s late. What this old Daddy needs is a snuggle on the couch with a hot drink and his favorite boy. Oh, and his best canine friend too.’

Dale and Kipp laughed as a happy Brutus wagged his tail and barked before heading straight inside the house, clearly well aware that some cozy snuggles were headed his way very soon indeed.

A few minutes later and Dale was carrying a tray of hot chocolates and some of his freshly baked choc-chip cookies into the living area. Kipp had changed into his coziest pajamas and Dale was wearing his favorite dinosaur hood romper.

With Brutus already curled up in his corner of the couch, the three of them were ready to settle down and let the drama of the day wash over them. Dale could do this knowing that he now had a way clearer run at happiness. With Benson gone, he felt like any decision he made on where his future lay was going to come down to one thing and one thing only – and going off how he was feeling in that moment, the prospect of staying in Eagle Ridge with Kipp forever was looking even more appetizing than his fresh batch of cookies…

The next afternoon, Dale and Marshall were having another playdate in Kipp’s big barn. And after spending an hour in their cow and pig hooded rompers, the two Littles were very much in Little Space as they romped around the soft hay and made merry.

‘Moo! Moo! Let’s play soccer,’ Dale said, nudging a semi-deflated soccer ball across the ground toward Marshall.

‘Oink! Oink! I score goal with my butt!’ Marshall laughed, turning and attempting to bump the soccer ball with his round and pig tailed cheeks.

‘You missed, boo-hoo,’ Dale said, crawling over toward Marshall and giving him a jovial cuddle.

Soon enough, the two of them were lying on their backs and looking up toward the barn’s high ceiling. Kipp had done some patching up work on it, but there were still a few holes where the sun’s rays could burst through.

‘Lucky there’s no rain,’ Marshall said, adding an oink-oink at the end of his sentence. ‘Or we get wetter than pee-pee diapers!’

Dale rocked his head back and laughed.

Being with Marshall was always a good time. Whether they were kicking butt at The Hot Plate or having fun on a playdate, it was always the case that the two of them were good company for one another.

Even though he was in Little Space, Dale sensed that this was him at his happiest. And it was all down to Kipp making Eagle Ridge seem like it could be a real home to him once more.

In fact, pretty much all ideas of leaving to go off on another big city adventure weren’t figuring in Dale’s thoughts any longer. And having fun with Marshall on Kipp’s ranch was simply adding to the sense of contentment that Dale was experiencing.

‘Hehe, maybe we should ask your Daddy to turn this place into a Little Ranch?’ Marshall said, kicking his legs up in the air in excitement at the prospect. ‘We could have the play barn, a diaper and shower barn, and even a spanking barn!’

‘Oooooh, that sounds… interesting,’ Dale giggled, his mind running wild with possibilities.

Marshall might have been making the suggestion half in jest, but suddenly Dale was beginning to imagine what Eagle Ridge Ranch could be like if it was made into a space for Daddies and Littles. And it could be more than just a fun place to play too.Any lost or in need of help Little could find a safe haven there, and Dale and Kipp could help get them back on their feet.

‘You know I think you might have just said somethingbrilliant,’ Dale said, turning to Marshall and holding his hand. ‘I can’t wait until I tell my Daddy about this. I think it might just be…’

But Dale didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence.

A dark shadow suddenly cast itself down onto Dale and Marshall. As Dale looked up he didn’t see Kipp standing at the entrance to the barn, but someone else. It was the man from the bar, the one who looked like he was kicking up a stink with Kipp.

‘That’s… Leigh Crenshaw,’ Marshall said, self-consciously attempting to cover up his pig romper. ‘He’s not good news.’

‘What’s that, freak?’ Leigh barked, a sneer on his face that could have been seen from space. ‘Jesus. What the hell have I just walked in on?’

‘H-h-h-hey, don’t talk to my friend like that!’ Dale snapped back, seeing how upset Marshall looked at Leigh’s horrible comment. ‘We’re not freaks. We’re… we’re… we’re… just being ourselves.’

‘Ha! Well whatever you are, you’d best make the most of it,’ Leigh laughed, his eyes staring toxically toward Dale’s figure hugging romper. ‘Kipp isn’t the rightful heir to the ranch. It’s mine. And he knows it too. And first chance I get, I’ll be making sure that this freakshow won’t happen again on my land.’

Despite putting on a brave face initially, Dale could feel himself getting emotional. And all it took was a look toward Marshall to set him off even worse.

‘Hey, don’t cry Marshall,’ Dale said, putting his arm around Marshall as he buried his head in his hands. ‘This stinky butthole doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t knowshit!’

‘Watch that damn mouth with me, boy,’ Leigh roared, looking and sounding dangerously close to losing his temper.

Suddenly, Dale stiffened up and pursed his lips tightly.

The reality of the situation was dawning on him. Dale and Marshall were nowhere near strong enough to hold off a man like Leigh. He was big, strong, and had bad intentions running through his blood. And as Leigh stepped closer, Dale knew that he needed his Daddy to make an appearance sooner rather than later.

But where was Kipp?

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