Page 4 of Kipp

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And while he might have been waking up horny as all hell every morning, Kipp was determined that he wouldn’t simply get with the nearest boy. Kipp wanted to settle down with someone for the long haul. He was in his forties and felt ready to find his Forever match.

However, in a smalltown like Eagle Ridge, finding the perfect match was easier said than done. Kipp might have been gruff and full of the most potent testosterone, but he was a romantic at heart. He wanted love, and he wanted it to be perfect – or as perfect as it could be in this world.

With the odds of finding his dream boy stacked against him, Kipp had decided to focus his energies on turning Eagle Ridge Ranch into the best ranch it could be. Kipp knew that he would very much be learning on the job. And he figured that there would certainly be plenty of mistakes made along the way.

But more than anything, Kipp was determined to do his Uncle Joe proud.

Eagle Ridge Ranch was Kipp’s responsibility now, and like any Daddy worth his salt, Kipp was going to follow through and make sure that he did the best possible job with it.

It was time to take a cold shower and get his ass into town.

There were supplies to be purchased, groceries to be picked up, and plenty of piping hot coffee to be glugged down too…

Kipp parked his maroon colored truck and he and his trusty dog, Brutus, hopped out and onto the neatly maintained sidewalk.

‘Okay, so where first?’ Kipp asked, playfully rubbing Brutus’s big, furry ears as they stood to attention.

Brutus was a seven year old German Shepherd who had bags of energy, plenty of intelligence, and just a hint of sass to his personality too. The pair of them had been inseparable ever since Kipp rescued Brutus from almost certain death at the dog pound when he was a nothing but a stray, wild scruff of a pup who no one seemed to want.

Kipp loved Brutus dearly, and truly couldn’t contemplate life without his most trusted canine companion. But that didn’t mean that Kipp would let Brutus get away with anything he wanted either…

‘No, boy!’ Kipp said, firing off a warning shot as Brutus tried to jump up and snatch an appetizing looking croissant from the bakery’s outdoor display. ‘Every damn time!’

Brutus wagged his tail and almost seemed to be laughing at Kipp, and this made Kipp laugh too. With the sun in the sky and not a cloud to be seen, the morning was simply too wonderful to be feeling anything other than happy to be alive.

While he might have been away from Eagle Ridge for many years, Kipp could feel that the town was in his DNA. There wassomething magical about the place, at least as far as he was concerned. And what made it even better was just how settled Brutus was there too.

As the pair of them walked down the sidewalk together, Kipp bade good morning to some of the regular faces and even took a moment to help old Mr. Carruthers load up his truck with some firewood.

Kipp felt good. There was no secret to it. This was simply the place where he felt more at home than anywhere else in the whole world. Kipp had travelled extensively and seen things he never imagined he’d put his eyes on. But nothing beat Eagle Ridge.

‘Okay so the plan is to get this shopping done and dusted,’ Kipp said, tying Brutus up to a lamppost as he was all set to head into the grocery store. ‘And once that’s checked off the list, we’ll hit the diner and make things right with some breakfast. Sounds good?’

‘Woof!’ Brutus barked in response, patiently sitting.

‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ Kipp replied. ‘Now you behave. I’ll be back before you know it.’

With that, Kipp strode into the grocery store like a man on a mission.

Kipp’s stomach was rumbling, and if that wasn’t motivation for him to complete the shopping as quickly and efficiently as he could, then nothing would be…

After duly completing the grocery shop in record time, Kipp packed them away in his truck and now found himself outside The Hot Plate.

With its retro stylings and menu packed with protein, carbs, and plenty of coffee options, The Hot Plate was heaven sent. And the fact that it was run by one of Kipp’s good friends was an added bonus.

‘Good morning, bro,’ Max said as he stepped outside and greeted Kipp with a big bear hug. ‘Damn, you’re feeling strong. We need to hit the gym for a session together soon.’

‘Hell yeah we do,’ Kipp replied, taking a moment to admire Max’s also impressive physique. ‘And I think I might have my work cut out keeping up with you on the bench press if those pecs are anything to go by.’

‘Damn, you know how to hustle a free breakfast!’ Max laughed, shaking his head. ‘So… I’ve got some news. And a proposition for you too.’

‘I’m intrigued,’ Kipp said, arching his eyebrow. ‘As long as it doesn’t involve mowing your lawn, we should be good. The ranch has got me all mowed-out right now.’

‘I believe that,’ Max laughed. ‘No, don’t worry. This is way simpler.’

Max went on to explain that he was headed out of town for ten days, maybe two weeks. He had some business that neededhandling in person and it was the kind of thing that might just run over time.

‘So I was thinking…’ Max said, a hopeful note in his voice.

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