Page 36 of Kipp

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‘Never!’ Kipp bellowed. ‘You’re my special boy. I take you as you are. We all have issues in our past, and sometimes in our present too. But a Daddy and his Little have that bond that can’t be broken by outside influences. I truly believe that.’

The look on Dale’s face told Kipp everything he needed to know.

He had reassured his boy and even better than that, he was about to be joined by his best friend…

‘Marshall? Yay!’ Dale exclaimed, pretty much jumping up from his seat as Marshall approached their table.

‘I thought you could do with some Little company while me and the Daddies got down to some boring Daddy talk,’ Kipp said, arching his eyebrow and shooting a look to both Trey and Axel over by the bar.

‘Perfect!’ Dale squealed. ‘Wanna play darts?’

‘You bet I do,’ Marshall replied. ‘And I’m gonna kick your butt too!’

With that, the two boys made their way over toward the dart board and began to show their skills, all the while laughing and gossiping like they didn’t have a care in the world.

Kipp felt like he had done right by Dale. He would feel much better by having some fun and games with Marshall, and itwould allow him to talk to Trey and Axel about the Benson situation too. After all, a problem shared between Daddies was a problem halved.

However just as Kipp and his friends were about to dive into matters, the doors to the bar swung open. And it wasn’t good news…

‘What the fuck does he want?’ Axel asked, looking at Kipp.

‘God damn Leigh,’ Kipp muttered. ‘He’s the last thing I need.’

‘And it doesn’t look like he’s paying a social visit either,’ Trey said, steeling himself. ‘I could throw him out right now, if that’s what you want?’

‘No, let him speak first,’ Kipp said, keen not to see Leigh grow unnecessarily frustrated or angry. ‘He can say what he needs to say.’

Kipp watched as Leigh approached him.

Kipp was no stranger to conflict and could see that Leigh was angling for a fight. Everything about Leigh’s body language was set up for an aggressive confrontation. But as much as Kipp might have enjoyed putting Leigh firmly in his place, he didn’t want to fight in front of Dale – especially after how tough a morning he had just been through.

If possible, Kipp wanted to navigate the situation with Leigh in such a way that Dale barely even noticed he was there…

‘Leigh, it’s good to see you,’ Kipp said, his tone even and collected. ‘How can I help you?’

‘Don’t try that shit with me,’ Leigh smirked. ‘You know what I want. You know what is rightfully mine. And you also know that I’m gonna do whatever I need to do to get it.’

Kipp wanted to take Leigh by the shoulders and toss him out of the bar. He didn’t appreciate anyone speaking to him in such an outwardly aggressive manner. Every inch of Kipp’s dominant side was flaring up in that moment, and he could see by the looks on Axel and Trey’s faces that they knew it too.

Stay calm.

Don’t give him any excuse to throw hands.

Keep it cool.

‘Okay, you’ve said your piece,’ Kipp replied, doing his best to reign in his anger. ‘Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be getting on with my day.’

Kipp hated playing the diplomat with a borderline thug like Leigh, but he knew it was necessary for that moment. Even if Leigh thought that he had the upper hand, it was better than scaring Dale for a second time in the day.

‘There’ll be no trouble here today,’ Kipp said, nodding his head by way of playing the peacemaker. ‘We’re all out here having a good time. Nothing else.’

‘Suit yourself,’ Leigh laughed. ‘I always knew you were a pussy. Your brother Kaden wouldn’t have stood for being called out. But you’ll never be him, so…’

Kipp could feel his body tensing.

Hearing his brother being called into the conversation was pushing Kipp to the very limit of what he could take. But he had to try and hold on for as long as he possibly could.

But it was an impossible task. Leigh had crossed the line and there was no going back.

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