Page 34 of Kipp

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After glugging down the juice in triple-quick time, Dale made a beeline for Rebel and held his most cherished stuffie as close as he possibly could to his body.

‘I love you, I love you, I love you, Rebel,’ Dale said, taking a few steps over to the bed and collapsing onto it. ‘Why didhehave to message me? Why can’t he just leave me alone?’

Dale felt tears forming in his eyes and screwed them shut.

The last thing Dale wanted to do was break down and give in to such a mean bully as Benson. The fact that he was ever in a relationship with someone so horrible as Benson sent a shiver down Dale’s spine but knowing that he was still somehow inserting himself into his life was almost too much to bear.

Dale kicked his feet up and down on the bed, a surge of anger coming over that he found impossible to control.

‘I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!’ Dale shouted, burying his face deep into the pillow to at least muffle the sound of his voice just a little bit.

Anger was something that Dale rarely felt. Certainly not like he was in this moment. But Benson had pushed him to a place that he simply hated to be. Dale’s life was all about being the most friendly, positive person he could be – with a little mischief on the side, of course.

And to know that his awful ex was making him act out of character only served to make Dale feel even more angry and frustrated. When Dale summoned up the courage to leave Benson, he swore that he would never let him control or manipulate his emotions again. And yet here he was, kicking and screaming because of a message Benson sent him.

‘Urgh. This is no good,’ Dale said, rolling over and lying on his back. ‘Why didn’t I just tell Kipp about this when I got the first message? Silly, silly, silly me.’

Dale was about to reach for his phone to send his Daddy an overdue message when his heart froze. Three heavy thuds on the apartment door sent pure terror through Dale’s soul as he pressed himself back against the headboard.

It’s Benson.

He’s known where I was the whole time.

And now he’s going to hurt me…

Dale wanted to scream, but somehow he just couldn’t make a single sound. All he could do was clutch Rebel as tightly as was humanly possible and hope beyond all hope that it wasn’t Benson on the other side of that door.

When the thudding knocks at the door stopped, Dale briefly felt a sense of reprieve. But his relief was only fleeting. No sooner had the knocking stopped, but Dale heard the sound of the lock opening and the door opening…

‘No!’ Dale screamed, truly filled with the kind of terror that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a scary movie.

However as the door opened and the intruder revealed themselves, Dale nearly passed out in a sense of overwhelming relief.

‘Boy! What the hell is going on?’ Kipp bellowed, immediately making a direct line for his distressed Little. ‘Daddy’s here. You don’t need to worry.’

Before he knew what was happening, Dale was burying himself deep into Kipp’s all-encompassing embrace. Together with Rebel, Dale suddenly felt protected in a way that he needed more than anything else in the whole world.

‘D-D-D-D-Daddy,’ Dale said, struggling not to burst into tears. ‘He’s… my ex… he’s… I…’

‘It’s okay,’ Kipp said, his voice firm but full of love. ‘There’s no rush. Calm down and take all the time you need. Daddy’s here, and he’s not going anywhere. No one will hurt you, and I won’t let anything bad happen. Whatever’s going on, I’m going to make it right. You can bet your last The Hot Plate donut on that.’

Dale let out a long sigh of pure relief.

He knew that the situation with Benson was far from resolved. But having his Daddy next to him was making all the pain and fear go away. And judging from the firm tone in Kipp’s voice, he wasn’t about to let anything happen to him.

Dale felt his heart slow down to its normal pace.

It might not be easy, but Dale knew that he needed to open up and talk. Benson had been a terrible boyfriend. However this was way beyond anything normal. Dale knew that he couldn’t handle the situation on his own for a single second longer.

It was time to tell his Daddyeverything.

Chapter 14


As Dale explained everything that had happened between him and Benson, Kipp couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. He had always known that Benson was a low-down piece of dirt, but Dale’s revelations were taking things to a whole other level.

Benson not only sounded like a shitty boyfriend, he sounded like the kind of man who could be a threat to other young men too. Kipp knew that this couldn’t stand. As a man, and as a Daddy, Kipp felt a clear urge that something simply had to be done.

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