Page 147 of Over the Edge

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The man regarded her. “My official recommendation is to go to the ER. That said, I’m not seeing any strong evidence of a serious brain injury, and the risk passes after about four hours. I don’t think the danger would be too high if someone stayed with her until the early hours of the morning, and she followed up with a doctor who has experience in concussions within a few days.”

“I’ll stay.”

“Jack.” Lindsey touched his hand. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t ask. I volunteered.” He dug deep for a smile, but it eluded him. “Besides, I need to take your statement and I’d rather do that somewhere more comfortable than here or in an ER—and after we both clock a few hours of sleep. Deal?”

The shimmer in her eyes intensified. “Thank you.”

He brushed a few tangled wisps of hair off her forehead. “My pleasure.”

“If that’s the decision, let me clean you up so you can get on your way.” The paramedic went to work.

Jack left her in his care while he stepped away to call Sarge with an update on both the situation in the warehouse and his plans for the remainder of the evening. Well, some of his plans, anyway. The taking the statement part, not the staying with Lindsey overnight part.

“That’ll work. I’ve tapped Cate to assist at the scene.” As Sarge spoke, she came through the door.

Jack lifted a hand in greeting, and she veered his direction. “She just arrived.”

“Fill her in and get out of there.”

“You don’t have to twist my arm. I’ll touch base with you again in the morning.”

As he ended the call, Cate joined him. “I hear the Robertson case has been solved.”

“Yeah.” He gave her a rapid-fire briefing. “CSU should be here soon.”

“I figured that. Officers are securing the perimeter.” She regarded Lindsey. “Tough night for her.”

“Beyond tough. Closer to fatal. If we’d been even a few minutes later ...” His voice roughened at the thought of how close he’d come to losing her.

Cate continued to regard Lindsey, her mouth set in a grim line. “I know what that’s like.”

Yeah, she did, thanks to her own near-death experience at the hands of a ruthless killer during her undercover days.

He swallowed. “And that’s on top of all the other trauma she’s had.”

“I hear you. Take her home. I’ve got this covered.”


He didn’t linger to chat with Cate. Instead, he returned to Lindsey’s side.

The paramedic added a final piece of tape to the bandage around one of her wrists and stood. “She’s all yours.”

That had a nice ring to it on this otherwise harrowing night.

“Ready to go?” He held out his hand.

Weariness etched her features as she grasped his fingers. “More than.”

As he gave her a gentle assist up, she shivered.

No wonder.

The sweater she was wearing didn’t provide near sufficient warmth in the damp, dank structure.

He should have noticed that sooner.

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