Page 138 of Over the Edge

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“Humor me, okay?”

“I don’t like this, Eric. It feels dangerous.”

“I’m only going to stop long enough to get the license information, and I’ll keep the doors locked. You ready?”

“As ready as I’m going to be.” She rummaged through her purse and extracted a pen and piece of paper.

“Here we go.” He continued forward, lowered his window, and stopped beside the back of the car. Aiming his cell at the license, he turned on the flashlight and read off the plate.

“Got it.”

After setting his phone on the console, he continued around the building and drove a block away. Stopped.

“Now what?” At his wife’s query, he picked up his phone again.

“I’m going to report what at the very least is a trespassing violation.”

“Maybe they’re not trespassing. That was an Audi, Eric. Why would someone who owns such an expensive car trespass?”

Good question.

But a better question was, why would someone who owned an Audi be in this neck of the woods at this hour of the night?

Something suspicious was going on back there.

“I don’t know. I’ll let the police figure that out.” He tapped in 911.

The operator answered at once, and as Eric reported what he’d seen, his lips tipped up.

How providential that he’d decided to swing by here on a whim tonight to build credibility with his boss.

Not only would Heidi be impressed by his diligence, she’d be grateful he’d interrupted what could be an illegal activity on property that might be destined for the Robertson portfolio.

And who knew?

If he was lucky, she might even give him a raise.


AS FAR AS HE COULD SEE,other than the spot of blood on the sheet in the closet, there wasn’t anything in Oliver’s house to suggest Lindsey had been here.

Nor was there anything in the garage.

Jack fisted his hands on his hips and gave the structure one more three-sixty.

Even if there was a piece of evidence confirming Lindsey’s presence, however, it wouldn’t help him figure out where she was now.

Time to touch base with Sarge and—

His phone began to vibrate, and he pulled it out.

Speak of the devil.

He put it to his ear. “You find anything? Because I have zip.” He didn’t attempt to hide his frustration.

“Yes. I have a location for Oliver’s phone. I’ll text it in a minute. Here’s where it gets interesting. The whereabouts of his cell coincide with a report that was called in a couple of minutes ago about suspicious activity at an empty warehouse in the county, just outside the city line a few miles north of your location.”

Jack’s pulse picked up.

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