Page 115 of Over the Edge

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Again, she sprang forward to grasp his arm.

With an agonized moan, he yanked it back and cradled it against his chest, every ounce of color vanishing from his already pale complexion.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” If he had body aches that bad, he needed medical attention. “Here, let me help you over to the chair again.” She moved closer. “Why don’t you lean on me?”

“No.” He lifted his arm, palm forward. “I can manage.”

She halted, her gaze shifting to a dark mark on his forearm when his sleeve rode up, an oddly familiar scent swirling around her.

Funny that she’d never noticed his aftershave during any of their sessions. He must reserve it for—

All at once, she froze. Sucked in a breath.

This was the same subtle scent she’d smelled that day in the Robertson kitchen. The one that had mingled with the odor of charred bread. Faint and indistinct then, but clear as a bell now.

And was that a tattoo on Dr. Oliver’s arm?

As the pieces clicked into place with the same ominous, measured cadence of an executioner’s footsteps, Lindsey’s heart stuttered.

Anthony Oliver, the prominent and respected psychologist, was James Robertson’s killer?



Wasn’t it?


Stomach knotting, Anthony bit back a curse.

He should have shut the door in her face. Never let her come in.

Now it was too late.

Meaning his partner in crime was going to get her wish.

Lindsey would have to be eliminated.

“Um ... I think I should be going, Dr. Oliver. I, uh, don’t want to risk getting the flu.” A combination of panic and incredulity etched her features.

He grasped her arm as she edged away. “I’m afraid I can’t let you leave, Lindsey.”

Fear flared in her irises. “What are you talking about?”

But she already knew. He could see it in her eyes.

“I think you’ve figured out the puzzle. I don’t know exactly how, but it doesn’t matter. You’ve forced my hand.”

Her complexion paled. “What does that mean?”

“I think you can figure that out too.”

Summoning up every ounce of his dwindling strength, he pulled her purse off her shoulder and tossed it aside. Dragged her down the hall, to the linen closet where he stored his valuables when the housecleaners came.

She put up a formidable fight. There was power in herarms and legs, the muscles honed from her fitness regimen and rowing. Not difficult to counter if he was in peak form, but he was far from that today.

Even with the surge of desperation-fueled adrenaline that gave his waning energy a temporary boost, it took every ounce of his strength to deflect her blows and subdue her enough to shove her inside and lock the door.

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