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The window over the sink was open, so there was no need for Cloe to explain anything.

While Sarah made PB and J sandwiches, Cloe glanced outside to see Trystan had taken the couple into the shed.

“Are you okay if I…?” She pointed forward to theStorm Ridge.

“Oh, yeah.” Sarah nodded.

Cloe hurried over to her own galley where she finished making her salad. She was still a little shaken when she noticed the couple heading back to theStorm Frontwith Trystan.

Since the coast was clear, she took all her food into the empty shed.

By the time she had set out her contribution, Sarah was bringing in the hot quiches and guests were returning, all rubbing hands and hunched against the rain that had settled in as a steady patter.

Cloe was wiping a spill from beside the cottage cheese when Kingston said, “Wayne said you have hot chocolate.”

“We do.” A small jolt of alarm went through her as she recognized him. She glanced around, but didn’t see his father, only his mom and sister. They were coming toward her. “Sarah has it by the coffee.” Cloe pointed.

“Take your sister and ask her nicely,” his mother said, joining Lily’s hand into his and pushing the pair toward Sarah before she smiled at Cloe. “Hi. I’m Mel. I’m really sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” Cloe said mildly. Certainly not for her husband. It was his responsibility to own up to being a jackass, not that she expected to get anything close to an apology out of him. The customer was always right, right?

“I do, though.” Mel glanced around and lowered her voice. “I’ve been asking for a divorce. Rick said he would change. I said, ‘Prove it. Let’s go on vacation. Leave your phone at home.’” Her mouth flattened into a hard line.

“Oh.” Cloe crinkled her brow in sympathy, but she absolutely refused to let the wordsI’m sorrypass her own lips. “That’s rough. I hope the rest of your vacation is less stressful.”

“It will be—Kingston,” she cried. “Get down from there.” He was sitting on a log like he was on horseback.

Good luck, lady.

Out of pity, Cloe asked Stefan if he would show the kids where to look along the shoreline for otters.

When Sarah started packing up the leftover food, Cloe took her cue and began taking her own dishes back to theStorm Ridge.

As she left the shed and crossed the wharf, she saw Rick the Jerk was aboard theStorm Ridge, pacing the deck and looking even more surly than he had been when he had accosted her.

Ugh.She did not want to be the one to tell him he was on the wrong boat.

Trystan came out of the saloon and said, “Rick has a work emergency. The flight from Bella Bella has a seat so we’re taking him back with us.”

“Oh.” Her brain blanked as Trystan came onto the steps and took the plastic bin from her. One glimpse into his face stopped her heart.

“I’ll put this away,” Trystan said. “You get the rest.”


The mood was still thick and unpleasant when Cloe came back with the rest of the dishes. She would have brushed straight past the other man, but Trystan came on deck again, still glowering.

“Sorry for yelling at you,” Rick mumbled with such resentment he shouldn’t have bothered.

“No problem,” Cloe mumbled back and went inside while Trystan went to get their folding table.

The guests didn’t seem to notice the undercurrents when they all came aboard. They were distracted with doing final checks for belongings while Trystan motored them back to Bella Bella. They watched some orcas from a distance, but most of the guests needed to catch the plane so they couldn’t stop and linger.

Everyone except Brielle and Elodie disembarked in Bella Bella. The mother and daughter were spending a couple of nights at the lodge in Raven’s Cove before taking the ferry back to Vancouver Island.

Once theStorm Ridgewas empty, Cloe breathed out a huge sigh and began stripping beds and gathering all the used towels before she began a thorough clean of every stateroom and head.

While she worked, Trystan took them across to top up the fuel and fresh water. When they came back to the wharf, Reid was there, waiting to catch the lines.

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