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But even though Reid and Emma were shifting into place as Storm’s primary caregivers, and Logan would remain in Storm’s life in whatever capacity he chose, Trystan was absorbing that Storm was inside him now. Leaving her wouldhurt.

Suddenly, the idea of being in the arctic or the rainforest wasn’t as appealing. What if something happened and he couldn’t get back to her?

His phone pinged with the depth-sounder that was his alarm.

He silenced it and rose to pull on shorts over his briefs, not bothering with the rest of his clothes yet.

In the galley, Cloe was dressed in a fresh blue T-shirt and knee-length jeans. She looked well rested and eager for the day.

“Good morning. Do you want this one?” She nodded at the espresso maker as it poured two streams of dark honey into a cup.

“Sure. Thanks.”

Stick around for breakfast, he’d been fantasizing before he’d known who she was. He ought to be more careful about what he wished for. She looked very fucking appetizing in the morning. She had an objectively pretty profile and an appealing figure. Her movements were graceful as she finished off the cappuccino with practiced flair.

“You’ve worked as a barista?” he guessed.

“Name a low wage job and I’ve probably done it.” She tapped out the used grounds.

“Bouncy castle operator.” It was the most ridiculous thing he could think of.

“Once. Covering for a friend. I got lucky and no one vomited inside but ask me about the ball pit at the Golden Arches. That place was a bouillabaisse of unmentionable.”


“Yeah. Promise me, I mean swear on yourlife, that you will never let Storm play in one.”

“I can make that vow because I never go into fast-food places. I suggest you get something notarized from Logan.”

“Ha. Will do. What do you want for breakfast? Should I make eggs?”

“I eat squirrel shit.”

“Excuse me?” She dropped her hand from the refrigerator door and pivoted to face him.

“Nuts and seeds,” he said with amusement. “Basically, trail mix. A little goes a long way and I don’t have to use any gas or wash any pans.”

“I’ll try that if it’s on the menu.”

After they’d each downed a bowl of hemp hearts with almond milk, chia seeds, and chopped nuts. He finished dressing, then locked up theStorm Ridge.

He tried not to watch Cloe as they walked, particularly her unbound breasts, but she was so cute, trying not to skip with excitement like a little kid.

Speaking of kids, as they started up the driveway, they met Logan and Sophie walking down from the house. Biyen was with them, wearing his backpack because he was off to day camp.

“That’s an early-morning visit,” Trystan noted with a pinch of concern. “Anything wrong?”

Soph was biting back a grin, Logan was looking—What? Proud? Embarrassed?

“No!” Biyen grabbed Sophie’s hand and dragged her forward, then jerked to a halt. “Wait. Where’d your ring go?”

“I put it in my pocket. I can’t wear it at work.” Sophie patted her hip. She was trying for nonchalant, but she was starting to blush and, being a redhead, that meant she was the color of a fire engine under all those freckles and strawberry-blond curls.

Since Trystan had genuinely thought this day would never come, he wasn’t prepared for the rush of sheer delight he felt on Sophie’s behalf.

“What ring would that be?” he asked, trying to play it cool.

“Auntie Glenda’s!” Biyen blurted excitedly. That kid held nothing back.

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