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I hated the sound of his squeaky voice, unsure how anyone had ever found the noise appealing. My ears grew tired of the annoyance long ago, and I couldn’t wait for him to stop talking. I don’t even think the scumbag had hit puberty yet.

“No, Mr. Chamberlain. I believe you’re the one that’s finished. All because you couldn’t stop hurting our girl.”


“Yes,” I hissed.

“I fucking knew it!” Sebastian exclaimed as he wiggled in his confinement, tied to the arms of a chair, andhe grinned up at me. “Your precious girl is as good as dead.”

I growled. Sebastian knew he had hit a nerve, and the bastard twisted his hand until he tried to pull out my heart. He pressed on and tugged at the muscle more.

“I’ll take everything from you. Your damn business, your freedom, all your wealth, and your girl. After I land your asses behind bars, I’ll sue you, but the best part? I’ll spend every damn dime on getting Liv killed with her severed head specially delivered straight to you and your fucking best friend behind bars. You fucking lunatics!”

He thrashed in his chair while he desperately tried to yank at the ropes we had tied him up with. The prick was persistent, I’d give him that, but he was an idiot. He was a mouthy little motherfucker who didn’t know how to shut up. He spewed threats again at Liv, right to my face. But I was sure Saint had heard every word, and he was ready to kill him as much as I was.

I snarled at him with my upper lip raised, and I pulled the black wire tight in my grasp with the fishing line digging into my flesh. Ending his life consumed me so much that I didn’t even flinch. But first, Mr. Chamberlain’s punishment must resume.

“No, please! I didn’t mean it! I—” His plea ended after I wrapped the line around his last remaining pinky finger and made a clean, perfect cut.

Our signature move was inflicting pain and getting answers.

The skull necklaces we wore were far more than an accessory. Blood stained them with years of hurt and hours of damage. The same injuries had met the fate of the bastard who had inappropriately laid his fingers on our girl, and we gifted them to her on her birthday.

Never would he touch her again.

Sebastian howled with his body shuddering in a great deal of pain as I pressed on the wound of his missing fingers and blood dripped down. Red spilled onto the severed little limbs, laying in a pile on the ground. I lived for the sight of the carnage we had made and gave myself praise as I jammed into another injury.

The shit bag smelled like fresh flesh, and I couldn’t wait for the scent of his rotting corpse to fill the air. I’d lay in the stench of his decaying body all day and not care to move. Because I’d know Sebastian Chamberlain no longer walked the earth to harm our girl. Instead, the demons would punish him and kill him over and over again. They’d deliver a far greater pain and torture his evil soul.

“Fuck! Scratch that. I’ll kill the bitch with my own damn hands.” Sebastian breathed heavily and his head fell to the side as he glared at me.

The asshole had some nerve. Fucker begged for his life when I inflicted pain, but liked to talk smack when he had the chance. He was a goddamn rollercoaster I didn’t want to be on, and I’d soon loosen his restraints. Only to happily watch his body break in half on the way down and his brain splatter all over the concrete.

Sebastian wouldn’t stop. I was seething. My pulse throbbed in my neck and was ready to explode. This idiot was giving me a headache. No more waiting. I was fucking done.

I couldn’t wait anymore.

Saint would have to watch me slice this fucker’s jugular and end him on the spot. He could be pissed at me for the rest of his life, but this nuisance would be over.

I wiped off my necklace and got rid of the crimson color dripping from it. As I hung the fishing wire back around my neck, the scent of his vital fluids teased my nose. I ignored all rational thought because Sebastian didn’t deserve any. He needed to die.

“Ha! Now you are going to fucking kill me?” Sebastian talked trash with an inflated ego.

I clenched the handle of a knife. “I should’ve done it in the alleyway when you cowardly pissed your pants, and we broke your fucking hands.”

Realization shone through one eye’s slit while the other eye had swelled shut from our punches to his face. Sebastian laughed like he had reached the point of insanity, and I grabbed his hair. My hand yanked back until he winced from the greasy strands leaving his scalp and I held the blade up to his throat.

“Any last words?” I asked through clenched teeth.

“Fuck you, you sorry—” The door to the soundproof room opened and Saint barged in.

“Stop!” my best friend shouted as he held up a hand and pried the knife from me.

I glared with rage down at Sebastian’s neck and a slight nick of blood trickled from it. Far from the slice I wanted to inflict straight across his throat and watch life leave the crack of his swollen eye while his body twitched. He’d gargle on his last words and never speak again.

“What the fuck, Saint?” I snarled with anger and roughly released Sebastian’s head. “I was about to slit his throat.”

“This fucker can’t die yet.” Saint breathed heavily like he had ran in a marathon, but he ran like a fucking girl.

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