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I slapped the binding agreement on the countertop beside him and glared into his emotionless eyes. Sebastian didn’t budge, he didn’t blink. He was an empty, bottomless pit and a good-for-nothing dick.

“I’m out of here,” I breathed as I turned my back to him and walked away.

“If you leave this house, you are as good as dead.”

My footsteps froze. I stood there as beads of perspiration collected on the back of my neck along with boob sweat. Sebastian had a way of instilling fear in me. I tried so desperately for him not to see. But he held nocontrol over me anymore because this agreement was through.

“So?” I said as I got ballsy and spun around on my heels to face him. “It’s not like you haven’t already killed my soul after everything you’ve done to me.”

Sebastian pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and calmly said, “All I have to do is make one phone call. One press of a button, and you’ll be on borrowed time.”

This asshole was threatening me. Again. Screw him.

“Fuck you.” I glared as the sweat beads grew and coated my forehead.

“You wouldn’t even see the end coming, Liv,” Sebastian taunted as he circled around me like a vulture hunting a mouse and luring me into evil. “Your death could happen on the subway, hailing down a taxi, or simply out for a walk in the street.”

“I’d rather be on the run for the rest of my life than spend a lifetime in hell with you.”

“I’d still find you,” he hissed into my ear. “But if you feel your pathetic life doesn’t amount to anything, then maybe your parent’s lives will?”

I saw red. I could claw this scumbag’s eyes out and not even hold an ounce of remorse. My being shuddered with hatred and my nostril flared resembling a fire-breathing dragon. Sebastian had crossed a line, but my blood ran cold because I knew he was dangerous.He was a rich, ruthless, calculated man who knew no limits because he was an egotistical fuck.

“If you so much as touch a hair on their head, I’ll—”

“You’ll what? Kill me?” He laughed cruelly and held the papers with a pen in my face. “Sign the prenup, Liv.”

I pushed the paperwork away.

“No. I don’t believe—” my refusal ended with a hard headbutt to my face, and I fell to the floor.

Pain radiated through my nose, cheekbones, and lips. Everything went black as stars danced, and I couldn’t think straight. My face felt bruised after the impact and my world spun. The tiles on the kitchen floor were uneven as I held my face and pulled back with slick red blood on my hands. Bloody with hot tears, I swore I’d never cry because the bastard didn’t deserve a fraction of my emotion.

“I have friends in high places who’d do the dirty work for me, and no one would find out the truth. Your parents would be taken out next before your corpse even gets cold. Sign the damn papers or you, along with your family, are dead.”

Sebastian was dead serious. I could hear the certainty in his voice, and when I peered up into his heartless eyes, I knew he had gone mad. I had lived with Satan for far too long, and I should’ve known I wouldn’t ever be able to leave. He made sure of it.

I fought against the pain and staggered from side to side as I stood. The bastard only watched me struggle as I tried to balance on unsteady feet and moved out of the way because he didn’t want to get blood on his new shirt. Fucking asshole.

This lethal man I had let into my life knew everything about my unsuspecting parents. He knew where they lived, their schedules, favorite restaurants, and the destinations they loved to travel. I had placed a target on both of their backs, and I’d be the one to pull the trigger.

All my power was gone. My dignity robbed, my soul ripped open, and any ounce of freedom vanished as quickly as it came back. Sebastian had taken everything from me, but I couldn’t let him steal anymore.

Uncontrollably, tears fell, and I asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”

“It’s too late to turn back time, and I’m stuck with you.” He shrugged, showing me how meaningless I was to him. “I’d appear weak after a failed engagement under my belt, and I can’t have that. Despite my disdain for everything about you, you still belong to me. Iownyou, Liv.”

I wanted to run. To pick up my broken pieces and never look back. I wanted to leave all of this behind me.

My weakened legs couldn’t hold me up any longer, and I stumbled into the kitchen counter. I reached forthe pen with a shaky hand and signed my life away where my signature was needed. Forced to comply with the man I was soon set to marry, breathing down my neck.

Dread fell over me when the paperwork was through. I knew by the hateful gleam in Sebastian’s eyes and the way his ugly face twitched that I was in for a beating. Not even half-healed, broken hands could hold him back after all the hell I had put him through.

I should’ve cowered, raised my hands, or yelled at him to stop. Instead, I stared him dead in the eyes, and let him headbutt me all over again until I thought I’d go braindead. My lip split, bruises formed on my cheeks, and I felt immense pain. With the blemishes on my face, only makeup could hide them for the wedding.

No big deal. I could get through this. I’d get through a thousand more touch-ups if it meant saving my parents’ lives. But the vibrations of pain coursing through my body assured me I might not have much more time left.

A human could only take so much. An essence only lit for so long until their flame burned out.My clock was ticking.

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