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How fucking cool!

I questioned with a raised eyebrow, “What other tricks do you jerks have hidden up your sleeves?”

Sin grabbed the front of my coat and pulled me close. “You’re about to find out.”

Sin let go of the opening and traced a finger up the coat. The tip of his nail grazed across my bare skin at the base of my neck and trailed along to the tip of the V shape, plunging into my cleavage. He groaned as hiseyes darted to where his finger had gone, and he peeked inside, fully aware I had listened to instructions and was naked underneath my coat.

He cursed and pulled his hand away when I yearned for his dangerous touch. My breath heaving from the intensity shared between us as he pulled me into the hidden, enclosed space and the invisible door closed behind me. I found myself trapped with a man who made my heart race with excitement when it should beat with fear. I should yell, kick, or fight, but he intrigued me. Sin stirred up feelings I had never had in my entire life and made me want to explore more.

The enclosure appeared to replicate a hallway and was dark inside, but there was a good reason for the blackness. I could see everything on the outside. Secret two-way mirrors designed for Sin and Saint to watch everywhere within their club. These mirrors were all around except for the bathroom, but I had figured they had some creepy obsession with glass. These fuckers not only stalked me, they creeped on everyone who stepped foot inside of their nightclub.

“This is fucked up,” I mumbled.

“Is it though?” Sin asked and pulled me in further to where I once had been. “I think it’s genius. We can see everything going on in our club. Every scheme, anyone trying to screw with us, we know every little thingthere is to know about a person as soon as they walk through our front door.”

My eyes landed on Saint, seated at a round table, and Sebastian sat down across from him. I had never expected Sebastian to set foot in Sinful Saints, but I shouldn’t be surprised. He was doing business, and I was only shocked from fear he’d find me. But my phantoms had a plan of their own.

“What are you two up to?”

“Let’s tune in and find out,” Sin answered as he opened up an app on his cell phone and voices came through.

“Enough bullshit, Sebastian,” Saint said.

“Bullshit?” Sebastian questioned as I watched him shrug his shoulders, and he made a perplexed face. “There’s none of that, my friend.”

“Oh, cut the crap.”

A Bluetooth transmitter!Who the hell were these guys?


“I know you’ve been mismanaging our other property,” Saint added.

“What the fuck?” I whisper shouted at Sin and covered the cell phone with my hand. “We can’t listen in on their conversation.”

“Yes, we can,” Sin answered with a devilish grin and took my hand in his. “Because Sebastian is hurting our property.”

My pussy throbbed.

“Is this about yesterday? About how Sebastian hated the flowers? You saw that?”

“We have a way of seeing everything,” Sin said as he sat his cell phone on a ledge against the glass and stood behind me. “As you can see with your own eyes.”

“How?” I breathed as my lips parted with his hands trailing down my neck and he traced the necklace they gave me.

“I’ll never tell,” Sin whispered as he traveled further and his tongue licked at my earring.

“I have done no such thing,” Sebastian said.

He sounded outraged, and I watched the scene play out as Sin’s fingers landed on the buttons of my coat. He tugged one at a time, pulling until the front of the material opened and his hands dove inside. His touch was cool against my hot, feverish skin and a slight hiss escaped my agape mouth. Saint peeked in our direction, and I knew he could hear everything. These fuckers were not only insane, but their dangerous ways made them incredibly smart.

Big-brained men with massive dicks.

“Yes. You have, Sebastian,” Saint added as he glared at him and sat back in his seat with his arms crossedover his chest. “We’ve seen for ourselves. You haven’t been taking good care of what isours.”

“The woman whoownsour affection,” Sin breathed from behind me as he cupped my tits and brushed the pads of his thumbs over my nipples.

My breathing hitched, and I sucked my lower lip into my mouth. I tried to conceal my moan of pleasure with my lip tucked between my teeth, but I couldn’t. Sin was so tender the sound tore from me, and I could see Saint tense up at the table. His broad shoulders were tight with sexual tension, and I swore I heard him groan.

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