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No.Their damn touch steered me in the wrong direction and veered me into a head on collision. Back on the road in the right lane, my mind tried to track, but my heart beat wildly at them doing this, and I knew straight away their plan was all for me.

“You did this for me?” I asked, needing verification.

“Yes. All for you. Sebastian hurt you. No one hurts what’s ours.” Sin glared and clenched his teeth.

“We had to ensure he couldn’t do it again.”

“And his hands cracked nicely,” Sin said.

“Did you have to knock him out, though?” I asked with narrowed eyes and a tilt of my head.

“Yes,” Saint growled.

“The unfortunate incident needed to look like a robbery.”

Saint hissed, “And the asshole deserved more than a blow to his face.”

“He should be dead.” Sin’s eyes swirled with darkness, and he pulled down my lower lip with his thumb. “We can still do it. Say the word and it’s done.”

I turned my head away from his touch. “No.”

“I can play doctor and walk right in there. Some air could accidentally get into his IV line and poof…” Sinbreathed into my face, with extra emphasis on the last word. “He’s gone.”

“Or I could take a pillow and suffocate him until his fucking eyes—”

“No. I need him alive,” I interrupted with frustration as my belly cramped and my hands rubbed the painful ache.

Sin laid his hands on mine. “Something is wrong. What is it?”

“It’s nothing,” I said as I pushed away his hands. I didn’t need his help.

Saint took my face in his hands, and his concerned eyes searched my face. His grip was rough and forced my lips to pucker, but the moment somehow was tender. My phantoms were rarely gentle and loved to bring me constant pain. But something about this was different, and maybe I was going insane.

I winced at the throb between my thighs and the shooting pain radiating down my legs. Medication wasn’t an option when these fuckers wouldn’t let me out of their sight.

“Youaresore,” Saint whispered as his warm breath fanned my face and his nose touched mine. “Tell us.”

“I’m not,” I argued and pulled my headback.

I couldn’t breathe. Saint’s sweet sentiment was too much. I needed space and room to think. He clouded all my better judgment and—

“Now,” Sin growled as he put his hands over Saint’s and made me aware of his internal need.

Stone-cold, dusty-coal eyes and an azure stare pierced right at me. No details were under looked as their gazes spiraled with worry and focused on me like laser beams. Red, sweltering heat blasted through me and flushed up my body as my hands pulled at theirs.

The world spun, and I was instantly dizzy. It had to be from my blood loss, a sure symptom from my condition they didn’t need to know jack shit about. Their concern had no effect on me, and I could never give a damn about their feelings because they had none.

Or did I?

I needed to get away from them. Their stupid cedarwood scent was getting to me.

“Let me go,” I voiced, struggling in their strong hold.

“You’re in pain and we won’t stand for it,” Sin breathed as he clenched his teeth together and shook my face. “Weare the only ones who will ever make you feel pain.”

“It’s none of your damn business,” I snapped.

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