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Their Obsession


Iawoke to the sound of creaks in the floorboards. Foggy from sleep, I blinked several times, my eyes straining to see the light, but nothing came. My pupils adjusted to the dark room when I heard the sound a second time.

I inhaled a sharp breath and held it while I stayed still. Afraid to move in case I missed the noise, I was sure it came from the other side of my door. I was a cat on high alert, and the hairs stood up on the nape of my neck. My eyes widened as I waited for another creak, but all I heard was my fast-paced heartbeat.

Nothing. My mind must’ve imagined the disturbance, the racket all in my head. A bad dream my subconscious made up after all the crap I had recently been through. My brain desperately tried to make sense of the fucked-up feelings I had for my stalkers. Itwas seriously screwed up—a mix between hatred and want. A need I should never have for men who were forceful, dominating, possessive, and completely out of their minds.


There was the sound again! I knew it! I wasn’t crazy, and the noise wasn’t all in my head. Sebastian had left in the middle of the night, and I knew the disturbance wasn’t him. He never creeped around the house like this and moved with a steady rhythm. Not thuds that made a lump form in my throat and my nerves race out of control.

I was curled up in bed, too frightened to move, with the bed sheets pulled up to my nose as I breathed heavily. Fully intent on suffocation instead of letting whoever was out there get me.

The groans on the floor had turned into footsteps, but there wasn’t just one. There were two sets of steps. One lighter and one heavier. The lightweight steps tried to conceal themselves, while the solid ones gave a steady stomp.

I shot up in bed when I heard them come right up to my door. My eyes locked on the doorknob as I watched the knob slowly turn. And I made a beeline for the door.

Scurried for the solid fixture without another thought as the bed sheets tangled around my waist,and I fell to the floor. My feet kicked to free myself, my hands pushed me up off the floor, and I slammed my body up against the door. I clicked the lock with trembling hands as my pulse hammered against my neck, and my hair sucked in and out of my mouth with each hurried breath.

“I know you’re there! Get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops!”

Dumb. Really stupid, Liv. Me and my big mouth.

Silence greeted me. Not one peep from the intruders on the other side, who were likely frozen at my words and judging their next move.

I quaked with shudders and couldn’t stop my reaction to the intrusion I had awoken to. Blindsided and awoken from a deep slumber in full panic mode. Fight or flight. But the only direction to run was right out my window.


I turned around with my back against the door as I listened for any more noise and peered around my room. Desperately trying to find anything to plunge, strike, or gouge my intruders with. Instead, my eyes landed on something else.

Two fake white roses.

They sat perfectly centered, waiting for my attention, with the sheets bunched up around them and a note laid beside them at the foot of my bed. I hadmissed the artificial flowers in my horrific scurry and the fear quickly turned to rage. These weren’t any criminals, they were my phantoms.


How did they get into my condo?

Once again, I was at a loss because the doors and windows were all locked. I had triple-checked after Sebastian had left, and I knew all too well they’d be back. I wasn’t taking any chances, so I’d fixed the damn window.

I snatched the note off the bed and read their torturous words,

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Obsession lasts forever,

And so do these roses

Meant just for you.


My heart hammered into my throat, and I swallowed the hard lump. My gulp was loud, but my emotions were fierce. Their note struck something deep inside of me and tore away at another tiny piece of my soul—ripped at my essence and tried to pry it wide open, but I wouldn’t let them tear me to shreds.

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