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They had forced themselves on me, made me do unforgivable things against my will. These monsters had blackmailed me into their arms when all I wanted to do was hide from them. Their darkness had consumed me and added to all the mortification.

I shrugged my shoulders and snapped, “So? You two are no better than him.”

Sin moved in the blink of an eye, and his hands were on either side of my face. He squeezed my head tight within his hold, and my cheeks pressed together as my lips puckered, leaving them to be used at his disposal. He stuck out his tongue and licked my bottom lip straight to the top one.

“Stop it,” I muttered. “You’re hurting me.”

“But we bring you fulfillment,” Sin explained as his eyes bored into mine. “That’s the difference between us and him. We love to bring you pain but bask in your bliss. Sebastian only hurts you, and we’re here to kill him for it.”


Their Obsession


“Kill him?” I whispered in disbelief.

“Yes, Liv. We won’t stand foranyonecausing you harm,” Sin admitted and let me go.

The twinge of pain subsided as I rubbed my cheeks and stumbled backward—further away from the torment they brought me until my backside hit the wall. A small gasp escaped me when I realized there was nowhere to go. No place to hide with Sin and Saint towering over me as I cowered in a corner. I was on high alert because Sebastian was in the house and my ghosts cornered me. He couldn’t find out; he couldn’t learn my secrets, and I’d be damned if these two idiots ruined everything for me.

“You can’t kill him,” I whispered.

“And why the hell not?” Sin asked with a low groan as he clenched his fists at his sides. “No one touches you but us.”

“You didn’t seem to have a problem with it before? Why start now?” I asked as I tilted up my chin with sass.

Saint gave a grunt of frustration and Sin breathed, “Point taken.”

“Yep,” I whispered with a pop of thePand nodded toward the window. “Now you can both leave and not let the window hit you on the way out.”

“No can do, sweetheart…” Sin disagreed as he shook his head and nodded toward me. “But you can turn a blind eye to what we’re about to do and let us take care of him. Then you’ll be free of that scum forever.”

As much as I wanted my dirtbag of a fiancé dead, I needed him alive even more. The Chamberlain name was my family’s way out of ruin. Our marriage was the key to saving everything, not his demise. Even though he wholeheartedly deserved these two lunatics beating his ass to a pulp and slitting his throat for everything he had put me through. All the sleepless nights, strikes to my body, and invisible scars on my heart.

“No, I need him alive,” I breathed adamantly.

Sin growled. “But he deserves to die.”

The only way to get through to these two made me want to dive into the cold ocean. Let hypothermia set in and numb my body until I couldn’t feel a damn thing. Until I didn’t have a need to touch them.

Electricity zinged through me when both of my hands reached out and touched the men who had taken so much from me. They had stolen pieces of my humanity that I would never regain, and they held them captive forever. Their demeanors softened as my hands caressed their cheeks, one jagged with a scar and the other prickly with stubble. Their groans of need filled my ears—they’d howl at the moon like wolves would if they could. They were dead set on feasting on their prey, little old me, who tamed them with my touch. I provided contact they had never expected of me, but longed for, and I had caught them off guard.

“Sebastianneedsto stay alive. Understood?” I pressed.

“Mm…” Sin moaned as his eyes fluttered closed, and he turned his head to look at Saint.

His best friend met his gaze, and they silently agreed as they peered back at me. The softness left them, and they were back to their old creepy-ass selves. Their stares hardened and their eyes blazed full of lust. A needy greed they shared for me, and I shivered under the fiery blast of heat.

“Understood. But we don’t like it one bit,” Sin whispered through clenched teeth.

“I don’t care if you don’t fucking like it. This is my life, not yours,” I whispered with frustration and removed my hands from their faces.

Instantly, Sin and Saint grabbed my wrists, and pulled me up against them. They wouldn’t release me, as their fingers squeezed harder to tame my disobedience. My heart raced in my ribcage and the noise filled my ears. They wouldn’t let me go, no matter how hard I tried to escape.

“And your life means everything to us. From this beautiful, intelligent brain of yours…” Sin shot back as he tapped my head and slid his hand downward. “Right down to your fucking slit.”

A gasp escaped me as Sin slapped my clit, and Saint harshly pulled me forward and wrapped his hand around my throat, moving his body flush against my backside. I struggled in his firm embrace, but it was no use. I couldn’t break free.

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